
Valeh Hajilar’s 70th anniversary will be celebrated

The prominent scientist, poet, educator and public figure, full member of the Georgian Academy of Literary-study, Professor of Tbilisi State University named after Chavchavadze Valeh Hajilar (Valeh Alpasha oglu Hajiyev) was born on April 15, 1951 in Darvaz village of Bolnisi region of the Republic of Georgia. After receiving higher philological education in Baku, he returned to his homeland and started to work at the Tbilisi State Pedagogical Institute in 1973 under the guarantees of the Writers’ Unions of Azerbaijan and Georgia. In 1989, he was elected the head of the Department of Azerbaijani language and literature of TPI and headed the Department for 17 years. In 1984, he defended his PhD thesis on the theme “Georgian ashugs written poems in the Azerbaijani language” at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences and in 1993 he defended his doctoral dissertation on “Characteristic features of Azerbaijani folklore (based on samples of Turkic folklore in Georgia)” at the same institute. In 1993 he received the academic title of professor, in 2000 he was elected a full member of the Georgian Academy of literary studies on Oriental Studies by secret ballot.

V.Hajılar did extensive and productive work in the field of studying literary relations, especially folklore relations, collecting samples of Turkic-speaking folklore of Georgia, as well as discovering samples of national folklore in the archives of Georgia, their study, publication and translation into the Georgian language. He had repeatedly represented Georgian Azerbaijanis with dignity at prestigious scientific conferences and symposiums held in foreign countries.
Valeh Hajilar was also known as a poet-translator, the first author of Azerbaijani-Georgian bilingual dictionaries and dialects. He made numerous translations from Georgian, Russian, Ukrainian and Abkhaz poetry into our language. Some of his works were also published in Georgian.

Valeh Hajilar was also known as a well-known public figure. He was a member of the Writers’ Union of Azerbaijan, the Education Council under the President of Georgia, the Council of Professors on giving Scientific names, the first chairman of the Union of Azerbaijani Intellectuals of Georgia (later honorary chairman), he was a member of editorial boards of scientific journals and a representative of some journals such as Prometheus and Garapapaglar published by UNESCO in Tbilisi, “Dede Gorgud” published by the Institute of Folklore ANAS in Baku, “National Folklore”, “Turkish studies” and “Turkic studies” published in Turkey.
Valeh Hajilar was awarded the Order of “Honor” by the President of Georgia in 1998 for his personal services in the development of Azerbaijan-Georgian literary-cultural relations and fruitful scientific-pedagogical activity. V.Hajilar died on January 23, 2010 and was buried in his native village by his will. At present, the Culture House of Darvaz village of Bolnisi district of Georgia is named after Valeh Hajilar. Established after the death of the prominent scientist, the Valeh Hajilar Scientific and Cultural Research Foundation has been successfully operating since 2010.

On April 12-16, 2012 the scientific symposium on the theme “Folklore of Caucasian peoples and lingo-culturology” dedicated to the memory of the scientist was held with organization of Tbilisi State University named after I.Javakhishvili, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Folklore, Ardahan University of Turkey, Sukhum State University and Valeh Hajilar Scientific and Cultural Research Foundation.
This year the 70th anniversary of outstanding scientist, educator, public figure Valeh Hajiyev will be celebrated. On the occasion of the anniversary the Institute of Folklore of ANAS plans to organize a scientific event the near future.

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