Department of Folklore and written literature


The department was created in 2011. The main aims of the department are to investigate the mutual influence problem of folklore and written literature, the investigation of usage problems from folklore and mythology in written literature, the investigation of influence of the written literature to folklore and the investigation of common poetics problems. At the same time the department prepares the collection of special scientific articles devoted to the investigation of activity of Azerbaijan literature classics and arranges their jubilee actions.

The department is leaded by doctor of sciences on philology, professor Kamran Imran oglu Aliyev. He was born on the 5th of March in the village Diyadin of the Sharur region in Nakhchivan AR. In 1974 he graduated from the faculty of Philology with the honours diploma in Azerbaijan State University. During 1974-1976 years he worked as a teacher of the Azerbaijan language and literature at the secondary school in Khanliglar village in Sharur region. During 1976-1 979 years he studied at the post graduate course in Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences. Later he worked at different scientific positions at the Institute of Literature named after Nizami ANAS. In 1980 he defended the canditate thesis “The literary-theoretical views of the Azerbaijan romantics of the 20th century” and in 1990 he defended the doctor thesis “The system of characters of Azerbaijan romantizm of the 20th century”.

During 1993-2001 years K.Aliyev worked at Nakhchivan University as a teacher, the cheif of the department Azerbaijan language and literature and later he was a pro-rector of training. From 2002 he was accepted as a leading scientific worker at the Institute of Folklore. In 2010 he got the title professor. In 2012 he was elected as a head of the department of Folklore and written literature at the Institute of Folklore. The scientist is famous among the literature study scientists according to his systematic investigations about the history, theory and poetics of Azerbaijan romantizm, besides them he has valuable investigations about the epos activity. K.I.Aliyev is an author of twenty five books, about two hundred scientific and about fifty publicistic articles.

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