Department of Modern folklore


The department was formed in 2011. The period during the last hundred years when the national-spiritual values change and richen very fast it is important to investigate the folklore idea according to the new relations. As we know the urbanization, movement, the problem of refugees, the speedy development of technology are the causes for creation of new folklore materials or changing forms of the ancient folklore examples, of course it is very important to investigate them in order to adjust the global changes of the world. The modern folklore, it means, the place, role and function of the following factors in ethnic cultural context.

The main directions of the department Modern folklore are defining of the characters of the modern level of Azerbaijan folklore history, the internal development subject of this level, the creation background of folklore in modern condition, their spesific peculiarities, artistry possibilities, form-subject richness, relations among genres, investigation of creation character possibilities of folk thinking in modern times, investigation of new created folklore genres as a result of folklore sphere changing in modern urbanization period, investigation of unstudied folklore branches.

The head of the department Fuzuli Kheyrulla oglu Gozalov (Fuzuli Bayat) was born on the 28th of April in 1958 in the village Kharmanli in Masalli region. He graduated from the faculty of the French language with the honoured diploma at Azerbaijan Languages University in 1984. During 1987-1990 years he studied at the post graduate course in Uzbekistan Sciences Academy the Institute of Literature named after Alishir Navai and defended the thesis.

Then he worked as a junior scientific worker, a scientific worker, a senior scientific worker, during 1993-1995 years he was the head of the department Common Turkic literature. During 1996-1999 years he was the assistant of the editor-in-chief at the organization “Dede Gorgud Encyclopedia” in Yazichilar Birliyi (Unity of Writers). From 1997 he is a doctor of sciencies. During 1999-2008 years he worked as a teacher in Gaziantep University in Turkey and got the degree of professor with the decision N 19 (27.06.2008) of Scientific Council at Gaziantep University. In 2012 he was elected as a head of the department Modern folklore.

F.Kh.Gozalov was awarded with many rewards such as “The Service Reward to Turkic Culture and Education” by Huseyn Gazi Culture and Art Fund to Shah Ismayil Khatai international symposium (in 2003), Nasimi international symposium (2005), “Professor Osman Turan Bashari Prize” to the book “Turkic shamanizm with the main lines” (2006) by Turkic Hearth General Executive on the 6th of May in 2007. He is an author of more than twenty books published in Azerbaijan and foreign countries, he is also an author of more than ten collecting, compiling, translation books and more than one hundred seventy scientific articles.

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