Department of Music folklore


The department was formed in 2011 attached to Ashug music and saz mastery. The main investigational directions of the department are to develop music folklore practically, reconstruction of the ancient folk music examples, their investigation in the level of demanding the music-study science. The department realizes collecting, systematizing and noting of the forgotton folk songs, ashug tunes. Doing the theoretical analysis between ashug art and mugham art and paying attention the definite points the classic mugham mastery characters, traditions, carrying out the investigations about shikastas (kind of music) are also considered in the department.

The department is leaded by doctor of sciences on art-study Naila Rasim gizi Rahimbayli. She was born on the 21st of July in Ganja city. In 1992 she graduated from the faculty of History-theory faculty at Azerbaijan State Conservatory. During 1987-1999 years she worked as a teacher at the secondary speciality musical technical school named after G.Huseynli in Ganja city. From 1999 till nowdays she has been working as a teacher, assistant professor in the department of History and theory of Azerbaijan folk music in Baku Music Academy. In 2000 she defended the thesis “Creation and development of musical theatre in Azerbaijan in the context of activity by Shamsi Badalbayli”.

During 2002-2004 years N.R.Rahimbayli worked as a dean of the faculty of History-theory in Azerbaijan National Conservatory. In 2004 she was accepted as a leading scientific worker to ANAS the Institute of Folklore. In 2012 she defended the doctory thesis “Melo-poetical characters of the epos “Ashug Garib”. In 2014 she was elected as a head of the department Music folklore at the Institute of Folklore. N.R.Rahimbayli is an author of the monographies such as “The life spent in the art” (In Russian and Azerbaijani), “The melo-poetical characters of Azerbaijan eposes”, a methodical recommendation, about seventy scientific-scientific-publicistic articles. The book of “The life spent in the art” was awarded the national reward “Humay” in 2003.

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