
Two new books on the collection of samples of folklore of South Azerbaijan were published


As part of the projects implemented at the Institute of Folklore of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the next series of folklore samples of Southern Azerbaijan were published. This time the samples presented to the readers were collected in the 9th and 10th volumes.
Traditionally, the head of the project is academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu, the compiler is associate professor Matanat Mashallahgizi. The various folklore samples collected from our southern Azerbaijan are included in the 9th volume. At the same time, examples of children’s folklore were mentioned firstly in this book.
The folklore samples about rituals, beliefs, mythological texts, rumors and legends, prophets, hearths, religious personalities, etc. collected from the Southern Azerbaijan will also give readers an opportunity to get acquainted with the rich oral literature Southern Azerbaijan of in details. Folklore materials were transliterated by Matanat Mashallahgizi, Giymat Maharramli, Sabuhi Badalov. The editor of the book is Ramiz Kerem.

In the following 10th volume presented to readers from the series “Folklore of Southern Azerbaijan” the eposes which are rich epic samples of the people of Southern Azerbaijan have been collected. According to the 10th volume the eposes taken from the repertoire of ashugs belonging to the regions such as Tabriz-Garadagh, Zanjan, Shahsevan and so on. The book includes the eposes such as “Shah Ismayil”, “Gurbani”, “Najaf”, “Bey Aslan and Husnuperi” widely spread among the people.
Basically, by presenting to the reader these eposes recorded from the listening materials, which were read with love among the people and decorated the folk ceremonies, all the advantages of these eposes in the ashug language - the preservation of dialects, richness of original folk sayings, etc. aspects have been taken into account.
The project leader of the book, Academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov, the compiler Matanat Mashallahgizi-Abbasova, the editor Laman Vagifgizi and the translator of the audio files are Lala Badirova.

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