
Public Council for Public Television and Radio Broadcasting held a meeting under the chairmanship of academician Mukhtar Imanov

A meeting of the Broadcasting Council of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company was held today. At the meeting Balakishi Alekber oglu Gasimov was elected as General Director of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.
Chairman of the Broadcasting Council Mukhtar Imanov said at the meeting that the National Television and Radio Council announced a competition for the post of Director General of Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. 7 applicants presented their documents to the competition. At the meeting Balakishi Alekber oglu Gasimov was elected as Director General of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Chairman of the Broadcasting Council Mukhtar Imanov in his speech said that the National Television and Radio Council announced a competition for the post of General Director of Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. Seven pretenders have presented their applications. Balakishi Alakbar oglu Gasimov has been elected to the post of General Director of Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Company. The new General Director said that our goal is to turn Public Television and Radio into a modern, innovative media structure, to put television and radio among the country’s leading media. Success in television and radio is closely related to a professional team. Now professionals are working on Public Television and Radio and together with them we will try to produce more interesting content for the audience. The purpose of Public Television and Radio is to serve society as it is seen on its behalf. We intend to come even better than we can handle.

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