
ANAS held Republican scientific conference on “Problems and Prospects Multidisciplinary functional structure of Azerbaijan folklore”

ANAS Institute of Folklore held republican scientific conference on "Problems and Prospects Multidisciplinary functional structure of Azerbaijan folklore" on December 26.
The event was opened by Vice-President of ANAS, Academician Isa Habibbeyli. It is said that in recent years the Azerbaijani folklore is developing rapidly, Academician added that, a special role in this development plays ANAS Institute of Folklore.
Vice-President of ANAS said that, since folklore reflected the national and moral values of our people study it from different aspects, not only has scientific value, it is necessary for society as a whole. Academician Isa Habibbeyli noted that the multidisciplinary study of the functional structure of folklore is of particular importance in the study of theoretical and methodological problems of modern humanities, "Currently, multidisciplinary research is one of the priorities of Azerbaijani science. Multidisciplinary study of folklore, which reflects the historical experience of the people, their mythical beliefs, religious beliefs and aesthetic views, has a special significance: this treasure chest, in which the whole essence of the people is reflected comprehensively, can not be studied without comprehensive multidisciplinary approach".

In his speech at the event, Academician-Secretary of Department of Humanitarian Sciences of ANAS, Academician Teymur Karimli spoke about the modern scientific sense solutions to the problems discussed at the conference. He stressed that, the inclusion of the theoretical experience of the world of folklore in the local scientific revolution will contribute to further development of Azerbaijani folklore.
Then Director of the Institute Folklore, corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov stressed the importance of the conference. Noting that, the study of folklore with the theoretical aspects is one of the important areas of national folklore, corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov added that, now folklore has acquired a completely new meaning: “It is wrong to perceive the folklore only as a national heritage, collected in memory contained in archives or as reflected in published collections. Folklore is an important cultural institution is still operating in a live communication process. Today, this cultural institution takes on a whole new meaning, as conditioned by modern information and communication technologies and virtual cultural environment development. Therefore, these features can only be examined in the study of the functional structure of the procedural nature of folklore”.

The conference was listened the report of of Doctor of Philosophy Sarkhan Haveri on "Multidisciplinary analysis of the functional structure of folklore". The scientist noted that, the need to study the functional structure of the folklore is due, on the one hand, the inner nature of folklore, on the other hand - its active participation in contemporary social and cultural processes in the virtual space.
In the report Sarkhan Khavari generalized theoretical outputs of world folklore studies in the field of a study of the functional structure of folklore, on their basis gave theoretical conclusions about structural features of folklore according to syntagmatic, paradigmatic, diakhronny, synchronous approaches. The scientist also told about transition from textual to procedural approach to folklore, correlations between the general functions of culture and the functional structure of folklore, that function is a permanent and invariable member of an inner pattern of folklore, achievements and problems of identification of folklore and literature, etc. The marked problems were considered in the report according to multidisciplinary approach.

Then, at the event with the report on "From traditional to virtual folklore: an evolutionary approach, problems and prospects" was delivered by PhD in Philology Hikmet Guliyev. The scientist noted that, in the modern world by information and communication technologies are having a new model of communication between people, an alternative to physical reality has become a virtual reality that, in general, had an impact on the individual and his creative possibilities. This process is also changed and the nature of folklore, which is linked to communications, there was a transition from the traditional to the virtual folklore. Noting that, as a living organism, folklore in all periods of history reflected in all the current events, Hikmet Guliyev stressed that within the possibilities and conditions of technological development occurred techno-cultural processes, and added that in the circumstances of folklore content is quite different from previous periods. The report said the practice of studying the relationship between the Internet and folklore, the appearance and characteristics of virtual folklore, as well as the theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem. The reporter has put forward a number of proposals for the study of the above problems.

At the conference with the report on "Psychoanalysis and folklore in search of the meaning of the plane" acted PhD in Philology Safa Garayev. Speaking about the new look, bringing the psychoanalytic method to the study of folklore, he noted that this theory, which arose initially as a clinical method, gradually evolved into an independent method used in the study of the semantic content of various cultural facts and creative acts.

Pointing out that, the first time the problem of the relationship between folklore and psychoanalysis was considered in 1928, the scientist said that for a long time belonged to the folklore of the problem is not serious, we did not pay due attention to this topic. The speaker noted that, since the end of the twentieth century this theory again acquired great importance in clarifying the facts of folklore, began to be perceived as one of the few theories, which has its own methods and techniques in the study of cultural facts. On the basis of theoretical views of Sigmund Freud, Ernest Jones, Richard Dorsona, Simon Bronner and, finally, the most prominent psychoanalyst and folklore of the twentieth century, Alan Dundes scientist considered the question of the relationship between psychoanalysis and folklore, and stressed that the study of Azerbaijani folklore based on this method seriously affect his popularity in the world.
After listening the reports were held discussions.

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