
The International Conference on the theme “ Azerbaijan folklore and cultural variety” was held

    ANAS Institute of Folklore, Baku International Multiculturalism Centre, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, State Committee on Religious Agency and Fund of Knowledge near President of Azerbaijan Republic organized the International Conference on the theme “Azerbaijan folklore and cultural variety” on the 19 th -20 th may in 2016 in Zagatala. The conference was organized according to the plan of orders affirmed of the year 2016 as “The year of multiculturalism” by the President of Azerbaijan Republic. The organization of the conference realized in the Haydar Aliyev Centre of Zagatala city was supported by the Zagatala Executive Power.

    Before the conference the representatives visited the monument of the Common national leader Haydar Aliyev, they also watched the performances of folklore collectives of the north-west region and saw the folk activity examples exhibition.

    In the plenary session the head of the Zagatala Region Mubariz Ahmadzade, the director of the Folklore Institute, the correspondent member of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov, the first deputy of the State Committee Sayyad Salahli, Prof. Isakhan Valiyev told about the multiculturalism in state policy, its historical-cultural basis, the multicultural values in folklore, including the importance about the conference. Later the conference was continued in the following sections: “The role of the traditional values in dialog and co-ordination among the ethnos”, “The ethnic-local many-coloredness of Azerbaijan folklore”, “The relation and attitudes in multiculturalism: the folklore tourism”, “The different culture elements in Azerbaijan folklore: historical and ethnic aspects”, “The religious tolerance in Azerbaijan folklore”.

    More than 40 reports by different representatives of the different governmental structures, science, culture and education organizations of Azerbaijan , including from Turkey , Persia and Czech Republic were listened to.

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