
The commemorative event was held at the Institute of Folklore on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Khojaly genocide

On the 24th of February at the Institute of Folklore was held a commemorative event dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Khojaly tragedy. First, the cherished memory of the victims of the tragedy was commemorated with a minute of silence. Speaking at the meeting, General Director of the Institute, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov described the events in Khojaly on February 26, 1992 as genocide and massacre committed against the Azerbaijani people. Then academician mentioned that we had tried to recognize that massacre as genocide all over the world and had achieved it in many countries.

Then the word was given to the resident of Khojaly, who participated as a guest at the event, Colonel Akif Huseynov, who worked as the head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the main Police Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He gave detailed information about the events he saw with his own eyes as a witness of the Khojaly massacre. At the end of his speech, the guest expressed his gratitude to Supreme Commander-in-Chief, who was the architect of these victories, noting that most of our revenge was taken from our enemies in the 44-day war.

Then the film “Khojaly scream” prepared by the folklore studio of the Institute was viewed. After the demonstration of the short film, the employee of the Institute of Folklore, poet-journalist Mahir Javadli noted that the Khojaly tragedy stood together with the most terrible and brutal tragedies such as Khatun and Hiroshima of the 20th century. Noting the importance of the magnitude of the scale of the tragedy, as well as the awareness of its form, content and essence to the world, at the end of his speech, M.Javadli called on everyone to do everything possible to strengthen the propaganda.

The employee of the Institute of Folklore, PhD Elchin Galiboglu mentioned that the Khojaly massacre was a tragedy of human.
Aydin Mustafayev, one of the employees of the Institute, drew attention to the fact that the Karabakh events were not accidental. The speaker said that the main goal there was to maintain its position in the territories and regions where the Soviet Empire collapsed.
Concluding the meeting, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov expressed his gratitude to the guest and speakers for their content speeches. He called on everyone to live with the purpose of not leaving revenge in his trenches, to take our lands back to the last inch and raise our flag in Khankendi.

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