
Seminar about the South Azerbaijan folklore examples

An online seminar was held with the participation of scientists from different Turkic-speaking countries within the framework of the project “Oral culture in Iran Azerbaijan (Southern Azerbaijan folklore)” jointly organized by Inonu University of Turkey and Institute of Folklore of ANAS. The main purpose of the event was to collect, engage in research, propagate and discuss issues of development of scientific-literary-cultural relations of “oral culture” – oral literature (folklore) samples of South Azerbaijani Turks, which are integral and important part of our Azerbaijan, Turkic world as a whole, passed from generation to generation. The organizer of the event is Inonu University, Faculty of Turkish language and literature, head of the department of specialty of Turkish folk literature Dr. Guljan Kizilozen opening the seminar greeted the scientists from various scientific institutions of the Turkish world. Speaking about the work done so far in the field of collection, research and publication of South Azerbaijan folklore samples, Dr.Guljan Kizilozen personally spoke about the researches in various regions of South Azerbaijan related to her numerous research and collection works. Stressing that researchers-scientists working in many scientific institutions of Turkey are working in this field in retail way, the researcher emphasized the importance of joint, cooperative cooperation in order to produce more successful results.

Associate professor Matanat Abbasova emphasized that the research works existing in this area and their authors had broad relations as much as possible and steps had been taken to strengthen these relations. Seminar participants such as Professor Ramilya Yildirim, Professor Neslihan Durak, Professor Tekin Izgi, Professor Teymuraz Abbasov, PhD. Giymat Maharramli also mentioned their thoughts about the theme. During the speeches, the importance of the solution of the problem of collection, study and publication of South Azerbaijan folklore samples, which is one of the main issues of our day, in the context of the general Turkic context was mentioned.
At the end of the seminar thanking to all the participants Guljan Kizilozen wished the scientists the greater success in the field of joint and effective cooperation.

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