
Journal “Dede Gorgud” number 73 was published

The 73rd number of “Dede Gorgud” was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore ANAS. This issue also includes interesting scientific articles, new examples of Azerbaijani folklore, folklore examples revealed on the basis of archival materials and other articles. The materials are collected in five sections in this issue of the journal published four times a year under the editorship of doctor of philology Ramazan Gafarli. In the section scientists Doctor of philology Ramazan Gafarli wrote on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of professor Seyfaddin Rzasoy “Seyfaddin Rzasoy-60. Contributions of 60 years of life” has been published. The articles such as “Semantic structure of the archetype of fire” in the epos “Kitabi-Dede Gorgud” by Doctor of philology Ramazan Gafarli, “Degenerative time in the structure of epos” by Doctor of philology, professor Ramil Aliyev, “Eschatological semantics of the image of Dede Gorgud” by Nigar Zeynalova are published in the section “Gorgud studies: searches, discoveries” are published in the journal.
In the section “Folklore-studies: problems, research” the article “Theoretical aspects of the use of folklore in the application of modern learning technologies” by PhD, associate professor Sarkhan Khaveri, PhD, associate professor Hikmet Guliyev, PhD, associate professor Safa Garayev, “Folklore motifs in Almas Ildirim’s activity” by doctor of philology Islam Sadig, “The role of folklore in the formation of traditions of love of motherland and martyrdom in Azerbaijani poetry” Doctor of Philology Nizami Muradoglu, “Ramadan holiday and fasting as models of spiritual perfection” by PhD, associate professor Shakir Albaliyev, Doctor of philology, “Sleep function in Georgian folklore and the hungry version of the Georgian version of the epos “Koroglu” professor Tina Shioshvili and Alkazar Kashi, “Armenian falsified: Azerbaijani folk dances” by Rauf Bahmanli, “Dambur in sakhur and ingiloys” PhD Laman Suleymanova, “Mountain image in Ashig Alasgar’s work” PhD Elchin Galiboglu, etc. were published.

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