
Jouranl “Dede Gorgud” number 72 was published

The 72nd number of “Dede Gorgud” was published by the decision of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore ANAS. The interesting scientific articles, new examples of Azerbaijani folklore, examples of folklore of Turkic peoples and other articles have been included in this issue.
The materials are collected in six rubrics in this issue of the journal, published four times a year under the editorship of doctor of philology Ramazan Gafarli. The articles such as “The functional semantic structure of the myths about the Kam shaman and the shamanic model of the mythical world in the epic “Kitabi-Dede Korkut” by doctor of philology Ramazan Gafarli, PhD in pedagogy, “Dede Gorgud’s book”: forgotten native words” by Associate Professor Asif Hajiyev, “The heroic codes in the book of Dede Gorgud” PhD Abbasali Ahmadoglu, “Life style and family relations of Oghuz” in the “Book of Dede Gorgud” by PhD Aynura Safarova were published. “The functional semantic structure of the myths about the Kam shaman and the shamanic model of the mythical world in the epic “Kitabi-Dede Korkut”, in the section “Gorgudology: researches, discoveries” of the publication “About two reviews of M.S.Agabekov’s textbook with a collection of proverbs and sayings, published in 1904 (in connection with the execution of the 155th anniversary of the birth of its compiler)” by academician Murad Soegov, “Religious folklore in terms of categorical features and function” by Doctor of philology, professor Fuzuli Bayat, “The stage of lithographic printing in the publication of love eposes: stones of the epos “Arzu-Gambar” by PhD, associate professor Afag Ramazanova, “Koroglu” researches in the first half of the 20th century” by PhD, associate professor Naila Asker, “Birth and development of Turkic literature in Azerbaijan and Anatolia” by PhD Rasim Huseynov, “Hunting in Turkic epics” PhD, associate professor Aynur Jalilova, etc. are published.

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