
The conference “Karabakh in international humanitarian and social sciences: modern researches” was held

On the 17th-19th of June the conference “Karabagh in international humanitarian and social sciences: modern researches” was held. The conference was organized by ANAS Institute of Folklore, ANAS Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, ANAS Institute of Caucasian Studies, ANAS Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, ANAS Central Scientific Library, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University and the Institute of Economic Development and Social Studies of the Republic of Turkey and the conference was academician Isa Habibbeyli. He informed about the scientific-research work and activity program of ANAS within the framework of the Great Return Plan announced by the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev. During his speech he drew attention to the Shusha declaration signed by the heads of Azerbaijan and Turkey and its importance. At the end of his speech, Isa Habibbayli mentioned the importance of such events and wished success to the conference.

Director of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov said in his speech that the conference was held in very special days. The Shusha Declaration contains very valuable items not only in political, economic, military spheres, but also in the fields of science, culture and education. Two of these items are related to the promotion and development of culture. The scientist said that we had taken measures in the field of protection and construction of cultural monuments in Azerbaijan, especially in Karabakh and had implemented these measures continuously. Our main goal should be to study the culture of Karabakh and to introduce it to the world. At the end of his speech, he noted that this conference was of great importance in the scientific, economic, military, as well as in all spheres, in the promotion of important tasks.

Vice-rector for international relations of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, professor Mahira Huseynova said the conference was dedicated to a very active and important issue Karabakh. Then she added that there was a great need to hold such events on the topic of Karabakh, because issues were being resolved and steps were being taken forward in such conferences.
Associate professor of the Institute of Folklore ANAS Aziz Alakbarli said that Azerbaijan had been experiencing the most glorious period of its history and destiny for about nine months and that history was written by the Azerbaijani army, Azerbaijani soldier and people, led by the victorious Supreme Commander-in-chief President Ilham Aliyev. The deputy noted that this history continues to be written today and the Declaration of Shusha, which will fall into history in golden letters, is a major event.
It should be noted that more than 200 speakers delivered reports in different sections at the three-day conference “Karabagh in international humanitarian and social sciences: modern research”.

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