
The memory of Khojaly martyrs was commemorated at the Institute of Folklore

On the 24th of February 24 at the Institute of Folklore was held a commemorative event dedicated to the memory of the victims of the Khojaly tragedy. The event, which took place online, was first commemorated with a minute of silence in memory of the genocide victims. Director of the Institute, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov began the meeting and said that the event dedicated to the Khojaly tragedy was held in a different mood this year due to the victory in the 44-day war against freedom of Karabakh. Academician noted that we have passed through January 20th and Khojaly tragedies and bloody years, but never lost hope for the liberation of our lands. We have always believed that we will win thanks to our perseverance, struggle and fighting. Academician M.Kazimoglu-Imanov described the Khojaly tragedy not only as a genocide and massacre directed against a nation, but also as a criminal act directed against humanity in general.

Then the speech was given to Ali Shamil, head of the Department “Foreign Relations” of the Institute. In his speech, he noted that events related to the Khojaly tragedy were held in different countries of the world and a monument was erected in honor of the victims of the tragedy. Chief scientific worker of the Institute, Doctor of Sciences Nizami Muradoglu in his speech called the Khojaly tragedy the genocide committed with unprecedented brutality in the history of mankind. Then the poet-scientist read the poem written by him about Khojaly. Professor Seyfaddin Rzasoy noted that the Khojaly tragedy was written in the memory of every Azerbaijani as a shame page, and every individual of the nation was hanged from his heart, and that the revenge of Khojaly played an exceptional role in the victory in Karabakh. One of the participants of the event, poetess-scientist Giymat Maharramli, in her speech, said that the 44-day struggle against Karabakh gave its results, and read a poem dedicated to the martyrs.
Head of the Department of “Ceremony folklore", PhD, associate professor Agaverdi Khalil also said that Khojaly martyrs, victims of our state independence and territorial integrity, always live in hearts and their memories are cherished. He also put forward the idea that in the future, with the light of the books, balls and magazines related to Khojaly, Khojaly will be restored in the folklore texts.

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