
Women’s Council of the Institute of Folklore held an event dedicated to the 11th of February International Women’s and girls’ participation in science

On the 11th of February the Women’s Council of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS held an online meeting on “The role of women and girls in science and society during the 44-day Karabakh War and the Coronavirus pandemic” dedicated to the International Day of Women’s and Girls’ participation in science. Head of the Women’s Council of the Institute of Folklore, PhD., associate professor Maleyka Mammadova speaking about the importance of the day noted that the resolution adopted by the UN on December 22, 2015. First of all, the speech was given to Sanubar Talibova, senior nurse of Invasive Cardiology department of Educational-Therapeutic Clinic of Azerbaijan Medical University. She talked about the attention and care of women and girls, who were considered a delicate creature in the period of the Coronavirus pandemic, to patients suffering from both moral and physical aspects. S.Talibova said that most of the women and girls working in the field of medicine in the conditions of the pandemic were away from the family and felt uncomfortable, but they found strength and successfully did their work. Member of the Council, head of the South Azerbaijan Department, PhD., associate professor Matanat Abbasova said that although the activity of our women in the world social science and the process was extensive, their activity in the humanitarian sphere was greatly enhanced. M.Abbasova added that the increase in the activity of women on military, political, economic and social conditions both at the international level and in Azerbaijan was associated with gender problems. Afag Mustafayeva, senior specialist of the Institute, who is a member of the council, noted the importance of moral support for each other in the conditions of the Coronavirus pandemic, that the memory of national thought, tradition and folklore protects people from trouble, misery and difficult situation, and spoke about the article written by her.
At the council PhD Nigar Hasanova, PhD Sevinj Gasimova, PhD Gulnar Osmanova, PhD Aytaj Abbasova and young colleague Nigar Imamaliyeva spoke about the importance of moral support of people in pandemic conditions. In addition, they gave information about their studies, published articles, conferences, seminars and the awards they were awarded during the special quarantine regime.

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