
Presentation of the new monograph by Nizami Taghisoy was held

The presentation of the monograph “Mukhtar Auezov’s activity: from tradition to newness” by Professor of Baku Slavic University, turkologist, doctor of philology Nizami Taghisoy was held at the embassy of Kazakhstan Serjan Abdukarimov in Azerbaijan. In his speech the ambassador spoke about the important influence of Nizami Taghisoy’s research on the development of Azerbaijani-Kazakh literary relations.

First vice-president of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke about the popularity of Kazakh writer Mukhtar Auezov’s activity in Azerbaijan, the values given to the flagman of Kazakh literature and its colorful artistic samples. Academician highly appreciated Nizami Taghisoy’s research in the field of Kazakh, Turkic people’s literature, including Turkology.

Then the speech was given to the director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov. Mukhtar Imanov spoke about professor Taghisoy’s ongoing and conceptualized research in the literature of Azerbaijani literature and Turkic peoples, quality and actuality of monographic research. Academician brought to the attention of the participants that Taghisoy was a productive and responsible scientist and wished him creative success.

Professors Yagub Babayev and Firuza Agayeva, associate professors Heydar Jafarov and Farrukh Mammadov, President of the Azerbaijan–Kazakhstan Friendship Society named after Heydar Aliyev, Professor Eldar Gunaydin and others spoke about the achievements of Nizami Taghisoy in literary studies.
During the presentation the video by Mukhtar Auezov’s son, professor Murad Auezov from Almaty was demonstrated. Murad Auezov spoke about Azerbaijan-Kazakh literary relations and his father Mukhtar Auezov’s friendship with People’s poet Samad Vurgun. He wished success to the author of the book, Professor Nizami Taghisoy.

At the end the organizer of the event ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan Serjan Abdukarimov in Azerbaijan thanked the speakers and Professor Nizami Taghisoy for the monographic research “Mukhtar Auezov’s activity: from tradition to newness”.

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