
The conference “The Third International Dede Gorgud Turkic history, culture and literature” was held

On the 18th of September, 2020 “The Third International Conference “Dede Gorgud Turkic history, culture and literature” organized by the Department of “Dede Gorgud” of Institute of Folklore ANAS and the Institute of Economic Development and Social Studies of Turkey (IKSAD) started its work online. Opening the conference, director of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanov greeted the participants and wished them success. The academician spoke about the importance of the monument “The Book of Dede Gorgud”, which occupies an exceptional place in the treasure of cultural resources of the Azerbaijani people and has become an integral part of national and spiritual existence since centuries and mentioned the importance of organizing such conferences. He brought to the attention of the conference participants that literary, historical and global “The Book of Dede Gorgud” was not chosen accidental as a source, this epic is one of the oldest and rare epos in the world.

Speaking at the event, director of the Department of “Dede Gorgud” of Institute of Folklore, editor-in-chief of “Dede Gorgud journal, head of the conference Professor Ramazan Gafarli thanked director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanova and head of the Institute for Economic Development and Social Studies of Turkey (IKSAD) Mustafa Latif Emeya for bringing together scientists from several countries in spite of the pandemic conditions. He expressed his hope that such conferences would be sustainable thanks to joint cooperation in the future.

The conference was attended by prominent scientists, researchers from Turkey, Ukraine, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Georgia, Afghanistan and other foreign countries, as well as Azerbaijan, such as languages, history, art, folklore, literature, culture, sociology, etc. reports (“Dede Gorgu” in Turkic oral epic thought and ancient written monuments” by Professor Ramazan Gafarli, “Oral culture and spectacle in Dede Gorgud texts” by Professor Arzu Ozturkmen, “The folklore of the Siberian Turks in comparison with the folklore of Azerbaijan” by Ismayil Kazimov, “The strategy of learning the foreign language by Turks” by Mahmud Shams, “Folklore genres in Dede Gorgud book” by PhD Bilal Alarli, “Armenian thief of Azerbaijani folklore” by PhD Elchin Galiboglu) on the topics were heard.

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