
Department of “Dede Gorgud” and the scientific-literary journal “Dede Gorgud” of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS was one of the organizers of the International Symposium

At the beginning of 2019 the discovery and publication of a new manuscript of the epos “Dede Gorgud” from Iran aroused great interest. In this regard, interesting research works were written in Azerbaijan, Turkey, Iran and Turkmenistan, as well as international symposiums were held. The first publication of the newly found Dede Gorgud manuscript (June 11, 2020), a broader online scientific discussion was held on June 11-13, jointly organized by the journal “Social Sciences” of the Faculty of literature of Suleyman Demirel University of Turkey and the scientific-literary journal “Dede Gorgud” of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS.
At the symposium Head of Turkish Language Association Gokbey Ulich, Professor Nihat Ayyildiz, Professor Darhan Kidirali, the owner of the new manuscript “Dede Gorgud” Veli Muhammad Khoja, Professor Osman Sartkaya, Professor Yusuf Azmun, head of Dede Gorgud Department of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, Professor Ramazan Gafarli, head of the Department of Mythology of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, Professor Seyfaddin Rzasoy, the folklore researcher Ilkin Elsevar and others took part.
On June 11-12-13, 2020, a live broadcast took place for 25 hours and 22 minutes. During this time 44 reports were heard and 4201 people watched the Symposium Live.

The following issues were clarified:
1) The manuscript was found by Vali Muhammad Khoja.
2) The newly discovered text is not the third copy of the existing “The Book of Dede Gorgud”, but a separate “Dede Gorgud” manuscript.
3) There are two stories in the manuscript.
4) The idea of the manuscript to be called Turkmen Sahra or Gunbadkavus was put forward.

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