
The next issue of the scientific-literary journal “Dede Gorgud” was published

The fourth issue of the scientific-literary magazine “Dede Gorgud” of the Institute of Folklore of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) was published.

The materials in this issue of the journal, which was published four times a year under the editorship of department “Dede Gorgud”, doctor of philology, professor Ramazan Gafarli, were collected in six rubrics.

The article “Turkmen book: reading and comments” by doctor of philosophy in philology Asif Hajiyev (Shirvanelli) and the text of the Turkmen book with his transcription were published with wide comments in the section “Gorgud-study: searches and discoveries”.

The articles such as “The source of secret information: heavenly myths” by professor Fuzuli Bayat, “Symbolism of creative sexual behavior in Novruz” by PhD Safa Garayev, “Psychogenesis of the image of Molla Nasreddin: laughter as punishment for sin committed” by PhD Hikmat Guliyev, “The Soviet regime's struggle against folk holidays, Novruz ceremonies, religion, religious figures, mosques and religious schools” by PhD Tahir Orujov, “The main principles and terms of fairy tale contribution in translation” by Naila Mirzayeva, “Islamic beliefs in the minds belonging to ritual folklore” by PhD Atif Islamzade, etc. were published in the part of “Folklore-study: problems, investigations”.

In the rubric of the journal “Folklore of the minorities” the articles by PhD Ilkin Rustamzade “Azerbaijani Domes: beliefs, traditions”, PhD Laman Vagifgizi “Dambur playing (based on the ethnographic-folklore materials collected from the Avars)” were published.

In the rubric “Jalil Mammadguluzade - 150“, professor Allahverdi Mammadli's article “Molla Nasreddin” laughter” in journalism genres”, and the article “Folklore elements in Molla Nasreddin's cartoons” by PhD Elchin Galiboglu were included.

In the rubric “Samples from Turkic folklore” the article such as “The publication “Edigey” epic – Tatar variant (“N.Isanbet's defective edition”)” and in the rubric “From the life of folklore” the article “Dede Gorgud love of people's scientist” were given.

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