
Dunyamali Karam’s 100th jubilee was celebrated at the International Mugham Centre

On the 13th of February in 2020 within the framework of the project “Ashug music evenings” of the International Mugham Center organized by the Institute of Folklore of ANAS the event dedicated to the 100th anniversary of a member of the Union of Writers of Azerbaijan, Georgian “Fame” order intelligentsia, poet-journalist Dunyamali Keram was held. Opening the event the head of the department “Ashug activity”, Honored Worker of culture, PhD Elkhan Mammadli spoke about the great poet-journalist life and activity. He mentioned that it was not so easy to visit the world of poetry, which had left behind a whole century of the poet. E.Mammadli also said that the poet-journalist would be a real example for contemporaries and future generations. Then the word was given to the poet Gullu Eldar Tomarli.

Speaking at the meeting, the guests talked about the poetry of the jubilee, the mystery of longevity, said that he had done important work in the training of young journalistic cadres, in the development of our national culture, literature, in bringing the truth about Azerbaijanis to the general public, as well as in the development of friendly relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia. Chairman of the Press Council of Azerbaijan Aflatun Amashov shared his lovely words about Dunyamali Karam. He mentioned that the old journalist had a great contribution to the training of young journalist cadres.
Later the event continued with performances of Ashug Jahangir, Ashug Garib, Ashug Ali Kalbajarli, Ashug Sevil, Ashug Parvana Zangazurlu, Ashug Nargila, Ashug Ramin and others. It should be noted that the main goal of the project “Ashug music evenings” of the International Mugham Center is the promotion of ashug art, one of the oldest spheres of the oral tradition of Azerbaijani music culture.

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