
The activity of the departments “Public relations” of ANAS is being improved

On the 18th of December in the Electronic Assembly Hall of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS held a report meeting of public relations departments operating in the institutes and organizations of the Academy for 2019.
The meeting was organized by the Public Relations, Press and Information Department of the Presidium of ANAS. Vice-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbeyli spoke at the event about the fundamental reforms carried out in the Academy in recent years and the innovations applied. He said that after being elected president of ANAS, academician Ramiz Mehdiyev made purposeful decisions on reorganization of public relations departments and took serious measures.
I.Habibbayli noted that the relations among the Public Relations Department of ANAS and the mass media of the country must be spread, the work on the promotion of Azerbaijani Science in the country and the world must be fast. The scientist emphasized the role of the press in the organization and strengthening of international relations and stressed the need for websites, newspapers and magazines to demonstrate the politically-ideologically clear position.
Then PhD, head of the Department of Public Relations, press and information Agahuseyn Shukurov made a report. Presenting the statistics of the news posted on the web portal science.az he mentioned that about 2300 news were posted on the site in the reporting year, as well as more than 900 videos were broadcast by the Elm Tv sector.
PhD Elchin Galiboglu spoke about the work done in this field at the Institute of Folklore of ANAS.
At the end, the participants’ questions were answered, relevant decisions were made on the establishment of relations among the public relations departments and organizational work at a high level.

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