
Republican scientific conference dedicated to the 650th anniversary of Nasimi was held at Baku State University

In accordance with the orders of President Ilham Aliyev on holding the 650th anniversary of Imadaddin Nasimi and declaring 2019 the Year of Nasimi in our country, the Republican scientific conference on “Classical Azerbaijani literature: problems of language, style, ideas” dedicated to the 650th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Nasimi was held at Baku State University (BSU).
Opening the conference organized by the Faculty of Philology of BSU, rector Elchin Babayev spoke about the position of the great thinker Imadaddin Nasimi in the history of Azerbaijan literature and spoke about the work done at the initiative of national leader Heydar Aliyev in the direction of systematic study and propaganda of Nasimi heritage in our country. Elchin Babayev brought to the attention that within the framework of the Jubilee events, BSU took an active part in 650 thousand tree planting actions initiated by Azerbaijan’s first vice-president Mehriban Aliyeva. Recalling that a number of cultural and mass events were held on the initiative of Vice-President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Leyla Aliyeva on the occasion of Nasimi’s Jubilee, the rector noted that Nasimi’s activity reflecting cultural diversity and humane ideas is of great importance in terms of studying the history of development of the Azerbaijani language and literature.
Dean of the Faculty of Philology Elchin Mammadov spoke about the state care shown to the figures of literature in our country, President Ilham Aliyev’s orders on the Jubilees of outstanding literary personalities in 2019 and gave information about the work done at the BSU within the framework of the Jubilee events dedicated to the 650th anniversary of Nasimi.

Speaking about the life and work of the great poet the dean brought to the attention the important points related to language-style features and artistic-philosophical essence of poetry. It was also noted that the articles presented to the conference from various higher schools of the Republic and institutes of ANAS were involved in research on different aspects of Nasimi’s heritage.
Director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanov highly appreciated the conference held on the genius poet, thinker, philosopher Nasimi of the Turkic world as a whole and noted that the reports to be heard at the meetings of the department will be effective in terms of studying its rich heritage more deeply. He spoke about the essence of Nasimi’s poetry and in the works of the genius thinker he regarded such philosophical views as the philosophy of Hurufism, the attribute of human beauty, the relationship of religion with man as a continuation of the idea of his predecessors.
Then, the report of the associate professor of the Department of History of Azerbaijani literature Sevinj Gojayeva on the theme “Great Azerbaijani poet Nasimi” was heard. The speaker spoke about the power of the word Nasimi, the problem of the perfect man, who occupied an important place in his speech and gave examples from the poems of the philosopher poet, one of the masters of Sufism literature.
At the plenary session, a video dedicated to Nasimi was demonstrated, the exhibition of paintings devoted to Nasimi by students of the Faculty of Philology was viewed.
The conference continued its work with section meetings. In general, 85 reports were heard in 10 sections.
It should be noted that the conference materials will be published in the form of books.

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