
International Congress

During the 10th -12th of October in 2019 “II International Develi-Ashug Seyrani and Turkish Culture Congress” was held in Develi District of Kayseri province of Turkey. Though the host of the conference was the Municipality of Develi, the Institute of Folklore of ANAS was also among the organizers. The opening ceremony was attended by 134 scientists and 40 artists from Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Belgium and Greece, the meeting was held at the Develi Mustafa Aksu Cultural Center of the Municipality of Develi.
Chairman of the organizing committee Rejep Ozkan opened the meeting, Develi Mayor Mehmet Jabbar, Develi governor Murad Duru, rector of Kayseri University, Professor Kurtulush Karamustafa, rector of Erciyes University Professor Mustafa Chalish, Kayseri Metropolitan Municipality president Memduh Buyukkilij, rector of Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, professor Ruhi Ersoy took part at the meeting.

On behalf of the director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanov a set of miniature folk instruments, samples of books published by the Institute of Folklore and ashug music albums were presented to the mayor of Davali Mehmet Jabbar. Costumes of the Seljuk period were demonstrated at the opening of the Congress, the composition “Songs and Kayseri-Develi songs in Turkish Culture” presented by local musicians (it should be noted that the soloist of this composition was Azerbaijan-born singer Halit Aydin), folk dances performed by musicians from Bukhara City of the Republic of Uzbekistan and patriotic songs performed by Farida Mirishova.
Last day of the event the participants visited the ancient neighborhoods, mosques and tombs of the Develi, Geyshin pool, National Park “Sultan sazlığı”, Buyuklegen and Chanakkale Park. To participate as one of the organization sides in the third “Develi-Ashug Seyrani and Turkic Culture Congress” Folklore Institute of ANAS next year was decided.

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