
The project “Ashug Music Evenings”

The project “Ashug Music Evenings” supported by the Institute of Folklore of ANAS began at the International Mugham Center. The aim of the project is to promote the art of ashug which is one of the oldest branches of Azerbaijani music culture with folk tradition. Ashug art is a special field of artistic thinking in which the philosophical culture of the people is formed. In this kind of art the poetry, music, dance and performing branches have been synthesized.
The presentations of “Ashug Music Evenings” are devoted to the Western Azerbaijan Ashug school. In 2009 the Azerbaijani ashug art was included in the representative list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO. The next project-event took part on the 7th of October at the International Mugham Center. The presentation was dedicated to the Azerbaijan West Ashug School.

As a result of the historical development process of Azerbaijan ashug art three main schools were created in terms of creativity and performance, such as the West Ashug School, the East Ashug School and the South Ashug School. Composing the rich musical compositions, adding lyrical and epic poems in various shapes and types of syllables, creating rich content and heroic eposes forms the main feature of the Western Ashug School. In the saz melodies the lyrical melodies are used, but in the epos activity the epic melodies are used.
At the meeting ashugs such as from Gadabay region Ashug Jahangir, Ashug Altay, Ashug Tabriz, from Tovuz region Ashug Latifa Cheshmali, ashug Shahriyar Garakhanli, ashug Elmaddin Mammadli, ashugs from Borchali region Ashug Ramin, Ashug Ashraf, ashug Gabil, ashugs from Goycha region Ashug Salim, ashug Bahman Ardanishli, from Gazakh ashugs Ashug Shaig Injali, ashug Ilham Aslanbeyli, ashugs from Kalbajar Ashug Galib, ashug Gozel Kalbajarli took part.
The information support to the project was organized by Azerbaijan Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Azertaj, chanel “Medeniyyet”, “Day.az”, “Milli.az”, “Vestnik Kavkaza”, “Trend.az” and “Asan radio”.

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