
Martyrs of the 20th January were remembered at the Institute of Folklore

On the 17th of January the memorial meeting dedicated to the 29th anniversary of 20 January martyrs was held in ANAS Institute of Folklore. The dear memory of martyrs was called with a silence. Opening the meeting with his speech the director of the Institute, the academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov said that to celebrate such kinds of days was to return to the history, to think over and over, to study the lesson of the history. “Though we were not the martyrs of those days, but we are the witnesses. I remember that night very well. Being the witness the human can't estimate the events. The years passed, later we understand that those events were not chance phenomenon”.

The documentary film about the 20th January tragedy prepared by the Folklore Studio of the Institute was shown. A lot of historical facts, the film reflecting those days were watched with great interest.
The chairman of the department “Folklore of Turkic peoples” Afzaladdin Asgar called the events of January 20 the bloody provocation aimed at fomenting the people of Azerbaijan who wanted to get rid of the imperialist regime and to crush the eyes of the Azerbaijani people. In the meeting Doctor of Sciences, the poet Nizami Muradoglu also shared his thoughts about that tragedy. Then the Doctor of Sciences, Islam Sadig continued the meeting with his speech. He underlined that those events were literally reflected in literature, painting and documentary films. : “On the 20th January the army of empire inflicted reprisals to the civil population. The leadership of Soviet government made crime during that period. But that terrible tragedy strengthened our national solidarity. The chain of the empire broke on the 20th January. It was broken by the volition of our nation.”

At the end academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov concluded that the organizers of that bloody event would always be remembered by our people as a curse, and that its victims would live forever in our memory as a hero.

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