
The 3rd Republic Scientific Conference “Folklore and statehood” was held at ANAS

The 3rd Republican Scientific Conference “Folklore and statehood” devoted to the 100th anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was held by the Institute of Folklore and Institute of Literature named after Nizami at the main building of the ANAS.
Opening the conference, the director of the Folklore Institute, academician Mukhtar Imanov said that the event was held within the framework of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan “On the 100th Anniversary of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic” signed on May 16, 2017. He said the creation of the first parliamentary republic in the Muslim East is the beginning of a new democratic republic stage in the history of our people’s history. He noted that one of the main issues raised by the leadership of the ADR, acted for only 23 months, was the creation and preservation of national culture. M.Imanov noted that important works in this direction have been recently held, the Novruz Holiday is celebrated throughout the country and concert programs "Turkish nights" are being organized.

Vice-President of the ANAS, Director of the Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbeyli said that more than 20 events were held at the academy, following the President’s decree. He informed the participants about the final conference devoted to the 100th anniversary of the ADR, organized by the Department of Humanitarian and Social Sciences of ANAS next month.
Vice-President of the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan said that works on manifestation of national and moral values, including Azerbaijani and national statehood, will continue in science and literature.

The event was also attended by leading researcher at the Folklore Institute, Ph.D. “The state, its structure and management of Dede Gorgud”, the head of the department of literature, professor Tahira Mammad “Motives and elements related to the state management system in the scenes” and the leading scientific worker of that enterprise, professor Parvana Bekirgizi’s lectures on the theme “The Armenian aggression towards our national identity and our statehood in folklore motifs (on the basis of “Letters in Armenaian names” and “Teymurlar” by Movlud Suleymanli).

The conference continued its work in sessions. At the meetings, manifestations of statehood traditions in folklore, national state etiquette in folklore, national holidays, total behavioral forms of ethnos in folklore and self-organizing models, folklore and legislation, etc. issues were discussed.

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