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The 6th Congress of the Azerbaijan Union of Ashugs was held

On the 28th of September the 6th Congress of the Azerbaijan Union of Ashugs was held at the Song Theater named after R.Behbudov. Opening the event, chairman of the Culture Committee of the Milli Majlis, director of the National Museum of Literature of Azerbaijan, academician Rafael Huseynov told about ashug art.
The 1st Congress of the union was held in 1928. R.Huseynov noted, today’s the 6th meeting is a landmark day. He also said that, the art of Ashugs is an expression of the great goals of the people. Attention and care of President Ilham Aliyev and the 1st Vice-President Mehriban Aliyeva to the Ashug art is very high. As a result of the work of Mehriban Aliyeva, Ashug art was included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Now this species is protected as the art of humanity. Academician R.Huseynov noted that, Ashug Encyclopedia of Azerbaijan was published.

Then chairman of the credentials committee of the congress Elkhan Mammadli delivered a report.
Minister of Culture Abulfaz Garayev spoke about the directions of Azerbaijani Ashug art in recent years. The Minister stressed that, music schools in the regions of our country include in to their program the art of Saz learning (folk musical instrument). All this is a step towards preserving this art for future generations.
The minister recalled that, Ashug art, which is our ancient, spiritual heritage, was highly valued by national leader Heydar Aliyev, on his initiative by UNESCO, the 1300th anniversary of Kitabi Dada Gorgud was marked.
Then, chairman of the Ashug Union, head of the department of the Institute of Literature, Doctor of Philology Maharram Gasimli spoke about the work done by the organization in recent years. He noted that, in 2009, Ashug art was included in the Representative List of the Intangible and Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, in a number of world masterpieces as the pearl of art of the Azerbaijani people. This art is associated with statehood and is its attribute.

Director of the Folklore Institute, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu in his report mentioned the ancient roots of Azerbaijan ashug art. People’s poet Nariman Hasanzade, poet Ali Kafkasyali, chairman of the Composers Union, people's artist, corresponding member of ANAS Firangiz Alizadeh, Professor Gazanfar Pashayev and others noted the importance of the congress and emphasized the role of Ashug art in the humanitarian and cultural strategy.
After the speeches at the congress, organizational issues were considered. As a result of the voting, Maharram Gasimli was again elected chairman of the Azerbaijan Ashugi Union. At the end of the meeting, an appeal was made on behalf of the participants to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

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