
“Mukhtar Kazim oglu Imanov. Bibliographic Indicator” has been published

The book “Mukhtar Kazim oglu Imanov. Bibliographic Indicator” devoted to the director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanov from the series “Azerbaijani science and culture figures" has been published. (Mukhtar Kazim oglu Imanov, Baku: Elm, 2018, 128 p.). The compiler of the book, prepared by Central Scientific Library of ANAS, is chief researcher of the Institute of Folklore Naila Asker, scientific editor is Kamala Mammadova. Bibliographical index reflects the bibliographical works of academician Mukhtar Imanov’s life and scientific activities, books, articles and reports, as well as the sources written about the scientist. The bibliographical index of the works of Academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov covers 1972-2018 years. Here are the main dates of the scientific-pedagogical and social activities of the scientist.
Autobiographical, literary, scientific translations, interviews with literary and artistic collections, official dissident and his dissertations, monographs, scientific symposiums, congresses, conferences, sessions, periodicals, literary collections, monographs of Mukhtar Imanov in bibliographical index are mentioned.
The role of the scientist in the development of Azerbaijani science, especially in the years in which he was the Director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, was published in the book separately from the articles written by Azerbaijani and foreign scientists about his creativity. All materials in the bibliographic index are grouped into sections and alphabetically placed in chronological order. In order to facilitate the use of the indicator, alphabetical indexes of works by M. Imanov and co-authors were also presented. Six monographies about modellizing the artistic psychologizm as an ethnic self expressing code in Azerbaijan prose, creation of scientific conception about Azerbaijan folk laugh culture, also about actual problems of folklore-study (Psychologizm in modern Azerbaijan prose. Baku, Elm, 1991; The archaic roots of the laugh. Baku, Elm, 2005; The poetics of folk laugh. Baku, Elm, 2006; Double-facing of character in folklore. Baku, Elm, 2011; Epos. Prose. Problems. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2011; Portraits, Baku, Nurlan, 2013), more than hundred scientific articles and many publicist articles have been published by him.
The book is intended for academics and professionals in the field of folklore and post-graduate studies, as well as for high school students, including a large audience.

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