
Scientific conference on the theme “Women ashiqs and poets of Karabakh” was held at the Institute of Folklore

On the 21st of June in 2022 at the Institute of Folklore ANAS a scientific conference was held on the theme “Women ashiqs and poets of Karabakh” on the occasion of the 190th anniversary of Khurshidbanu Natavan. The conference was opened by the General Director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov. He mentioned that according to the order of the President Ilham Aliyev the 190th anniversary of Khurshidbanu Natavan was celebrated at the national level this year. Khurshidbanu Natavan is one of the symbols of art of Shusha and the celebration of her jubilee is of both cultural and social-political importance. M.Kazimoglu-Imanov said that Khurshidbanu Natavan is the only person in Karabakh who was known as Khan’s daughter. Despite the great calamities and tragedies, she endured all the difficulties with great persistence and perseverance and did a great job both in the field of artistic activity and in the way of revival of our Shusha and turning it into a cultural center.

The head of the department of Folklore and written literature of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, doctor of philology, associate professor Leyla Mammadova made a report on the theme “Classical and modern traditions in Khurshidbanu Natavan’s ghazals”.
Then the word was given to the head of the department of South Azerbaijan folklore, PhD., associate professor Matanat Abbasova. The speaker made a speech on the theme “Women poets of Karabakh in poetry and politics”.
At the end of the opening meeting PhD in philology, associate professor Sonmez Abbasli made a report on the theme “From the history research of Karabakh women ashiqs”.

After the opening ceremony, the conference continued its work in the section chaired by PhD in philology, associate professor Atif Islamzade. The reports such as “Social-philosophical issues in Khurshudbanu Natavan’s activity” by PhD, associate professor Faig Alakbarov, “Three women brought up in Karabakh literary environment in the 19th century” by Gumru Shahriyar, “The first mighty woman ashiq of Karabakh – Ashiq Peri Maralyanli” by Aynur Safarli, “Prominent representative of Shusha poetry school ─ Fatma Khanim Kamina” by Ramila Suleymanova, “Leading women representatives of the Karabakh literary environment of the 19th century” by Zulfiyya Mammadhuseynova, “Only Allah belief in Khurshidbanu Natavan’s poetry (context of folklore and written literature)” by PhD in philology, associate professor Atif Islamzade were listened at. Employees of the Central City Library named after M.A.Sabir also took part in the scientific conference on the theme “Women ashiqs and poets of Karabakh”.

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