
Republican scientific conference on the theme “National-moral values in eposes” was held at the Institute of Folklore

On the 19th of April in 2022 Institute of Folklore and “Folklorists” Public Union organized the Republican scientific conference on theme “National-moral values in eposes”. Representatives of scientific and research institutions in Sheki, Ganja, Gazakh, Gobustan and other regions also participated in the conference held within the framework of the events held by the Union to preserve and develop the epos tradition in Azerbaijan.

General Director of the Institute of Folklore, Chairman of “Folklorists” PU, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov said that Azerbaijan was one of the richest folklore countries in the world. Although the eposes that made up an important area of our folklore were studied, but many of them were not recorded by ashiqs. Noting that the cultural and spiritual world, its past and history in the academic eposes he mentioned that the study of this area was always actual. The scientist noted the project “Epos nights” implemented in recent years, the recording and storage of eposes performed by ashiqs, the preparation of albums as important and significant events. At the end of his speech Academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov wished success to the conference participants.

Then PhD., associate professor Ilhama Gasabova spoke about the traditions of storytelling, master-student relations in the art of ashiq and the state of storytelling traditions in modern times. At the end of her speech she mentioned the importance of preserving the largest genre of oral folk literature in the repertoire of ashiqs and interest in this field in young musicians. Then the conference continued its work in sections.

With the financial support of the Agency for State Support to Non-Governmental Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan, “Folklorists” Public Union has launched a project in February 2022 entitled “Restoration and promotion of “Epos nights” as the light of our national spirituality”.
As the continuation of the conference, the “Epos nights” are planned to be held during the 27th – 29th April with the participation of ashiqs from Borchali.

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