
International scientific conference on the theme “Valeh Hajilar-70”

On the 16th November 2021the international scientific conference on the “Valeh Hajilar-70” was held at the Institute of Folklore of ANAS. The conference, held online on the Zoom platform, was opened by the director of the Institute, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov. He said that the main purpose of the conference was to remind, recall and celebrate the 70th anniversary of the birth of famous scientist, teacher, translator and poet Valeh Haji. During his speech the academician reviewed the works done by the intellectuals born and raised in Borchali on the way of spiritual existence of Azerbaijani Turkism. M.Kazimoglu-Imanov emphasized that he was one of the rare intellectuals who revealed the main lines of the runaway movement in Borchali. Mentioning that the scientist created a separate structure as one of the ways of promotion of our national existence in Borchali, the academician drew to the attention of the participants of the event that the Azerbaijani-Turkish culture in the geography of Georgia has drawn all contours of its influence on neighboring nations – Georgians, Aysors, Greeks and this service is connected with his name.

Then the word was given to Faig Guliyev, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Georgia. The ambassador expressed his deep gratitude to the Institute of Folklore of ANAS and its leadership for the organization of the scientific meeting. He noted that understanding the life path of important events and the tireless scientific activity coinciding with the difficult times of our history is of great importance for modern researchers. The speaker also brought to the attention that during the reign of Soviet ideology, the scientist made a great contribution to the study of the socio-cultural existence of Azerbaijan in Georgia and the preservation and development of our national thinking in Georgia. He said that the Department of Azerbaijani language and literature at Tbilisi State Pedagogical University for many years and trained pedagogical personnel for Georgia, he noted that only this factor would ensure that his name would remain in the chronicle of Borchali. Ambassador at the end of Guliyev’s speech brought to the attention that the memory of the pilgrims was cherished by the state and intellectuals of Georgia as a prominent scientist and public figure and wished success to the participants of this conference serving the development of scientific and cultural relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia. Speaking at the conference Professor of Bursa Uludag University, Chairman of the International Foundation for Scientific and Cultural Studies Valeh Hajilar Jengiz Alyilmaz said that his acquaintance with Valeh Hajilar coincided with his youth and spoke about interesting memories of the scientist. Speaking at the conference, Professor of Bursa Uludag University, Chairman of the International Foundation for Scientific and Cultural Studies Valeh Hajilar Cengiz Alyilmaz said that his acquaintance with Valeh Hajilar coincided with his youth and spoke about interesting memories of the scientist. The speaker brought to the attention of the conference participants that, along with his translation activities from Georgian, Russian and Abkhaz languages, he translated the texts written by Georgian ashugs and poets into Georgian.

Professor of Ardahan University Shuraddin Mammadli spoke about 27 years of friendly relations with V.Haji and shared his fond memories of the scientist with the participants of the event. Reader and listener of Valeh Haji’s first poems, Professor Mammadli was the first to share his work with him. Gulnara Goja-Mammadli, associate professor of Ardahan University also spoke about her years of work in the same department with the scientist and shared her good impressions with him. Professor of the Georgian-Ukrainian International University Mahmud Kamaloglu also spoke at the conference. Noting that the creativity of V. Haji is multifaceted, he first of all drew attention to the pedagogical activity of the scientist, his years of work at the Tbilisi State Pedagogical University named after A.S. Pushkin. Professor of Sivas University Dogan Kaya spoke about the importance of the work done by V.Haji for the Turkic world.
At the end of the conference, the memory of well-known scientist Valeh Haji, head of the Eastern Europe Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Doctor of Historical Sciences Fakhri Valehoglu thanked all the participants, including the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, for the organization of the conference and kind words about his father.

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