
“Victory Day and in memory of Martyrs”: II Karabakh international conference on modern studies in social and human sciences was held

On the 10th of November the Institute of Folklore of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, the Institute of Caucasian-studies, the Institute of Linguistics named after Nasimi, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Central Scientific Library and the Institute of Economic Development and Social Studies of Turkey (IKSAD) jointly organized the “Victory Day and in memory of martyrs”: II Garabagh international II Karabakh international conference on modern studies in social and human sciences. After the national anthems of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Turkey and the Karabakh shikeste were played, the head of IKSAD Professor Mustafa Latif opening the Labor conference commemorated the 83rd anniversary of the death of great leader Ataturk with love, respect and mercy and spoke about the importance of this event held on the first anniversary of the Karabakh victory.

Then the speech was given to the director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov. The academician said that the brotherhood of Turkey and Azerbaijan showed itself in the 44-day war. Noting that the word “Karabakh” in the name of the conference had a symbolic meaning, he described this war as a joint struggle of Turkey and Azerbaijan not only for the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, but also for the divinity of the Turkic world. Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov noted that restoration and construction work has begun in our destroyed and devastated lands. He considered the speeches covering various fields in the academic conference to be a commendable case and noted that scientists supported this great struggle with their research.
After the opening ceremony, the conference continued its work with more than a hundred speakers in eleven sections. At the end of the conference participants were awarded with certificates.

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