
International scientific conference “Myths and folklore sources of Nizami and Navai heritage” was held

On the 21st-22nd June the international scientific conference “Myths and folklore sources of Nizami and Navai heritage” was held with the organizational support of the Institute of Folklore ANAS. Director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov opened the conference dedicated to the jubilees of great masters Nizami Ganjavi and Alishir Navai. He spoke about the invaluable role of Nizami Ganjavi’s activity in the development of the general Turkic culture, especially literature and noted that Alishir Navai was one of the representatives of Nizami Ganjavi literary school. The academician noted that, unlike most masters of the medieval Turkic world, Navai wrote most of his works in his native Turkish language. M.Kazimoglu-Imanov said that Navai also raised the flag of Turkish literature and nationality, was proud of the great work done to create literature in the Turkish language and to make the Turkish nation a single nation. On the one hand, holding the conference on Nizami and Navai serves to reveal the genius of Nizami and on the other hand to show the greatness and power of the poets.

Then Vice-President of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, academician Isa Habibbayli made a report. Academician spoke about the importance of the events held in connection with the declaration of 2021 as the “Year of Nizami Ganjavi” in Azerbaijan.
Academician noted that “Khamsa”, written by another great artist of the Turkic world Alishir Navai, has already been translated into the Azerbaijani language and has been presented for publication.
Then, the speech was given to Doctor of Philology, Professor Jalal Gasimova of the department of Folklore and written literature of the Institute of Folklore. Professor J.Gasimov said in his report about the national and literary identity of Nizami Ganjavi, the pre-and post-order stages of Azerbaijani literature, contemporaries of Nizami, poetics, structure, language-style issues of classical works, put forward new ideas, write works. The Professor noted that the issue of Nizami’s national identity appeared in the 20-30-ies of the last century.

Doctor of Philology, Professor Dilaram Salohiy from the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, made a report on the theme “The place of folklore elements in Sheikh Nizami and Amir Navai epic poem”. Then, head of the Department Dede Gorgud of the Institute of Folklore, Doctor of Philology Ramazan Gafarli made a report on the theme “Unity of time and space in “Khamsa” by Nizami and Navai”. Professor Mamatkul Jurayev made a report on the theme “The mytho-poetic interpretation of “gul” and “enga” characters in the works of Alishir Navai”.
Professor Seyfaddin Rzasoy made a report on the theme “Folklore traditions in the activities of Nizami and Navai”.
After the opening reports, the conference continued its work in sections. About 60 reports were heard in 5 sections at the two-day conference.

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