
Guba branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University held scientific-practical conference

The scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Professor Ramazan Gafarli was held at the Guba branch of Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University. Professor-teaching staff of the branch made scientific reports on the appropriate directions at the conference organized by following the rules of quarantine regime. Director of Guba branch of ASPU Y.Aliyev made a report on the theme “Ramadan Gafarli in Azerbaijani literature”. He characterized Ramazan Gafarli as a personality and told about the secret of his research achievements. He mentioned about his services in Azerbaijani literature. Y.Aliyev awarded R.Gafarli with an honorary diploma and presented him a book of poems published in English by Bakhtiyar Vahabzadeh. He wished the professor success in his personal work and scientific activity.

Director of the Institute of Folklore of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS), chairman of the Council of Public Television and Radio broadcasting of the Republic of Azerbaijan, full member of ANAS, academician Mukhtar Imanov thanked to Yusif Aliyev and his staff for the conference. He noted that R.Gafarli not only investigated the oral folk literature, but also the fundamental problems of Azerbaijani written literature. Films were made on the basis of his scenarios. He seriously dealt with the problems of newspaper, magazine and press work. The establishment of the journal “Dede Gorgud studies” was also directly related to his name. Academician M. Imanov recalled that R.Gafarli has been engaged in publicistic work in various press organs for many years. His works are used as teaching aids in Turkey and Central Asian countries.

Head of the department of the Institute of Folklore, professor Jalal Gasimov shared his memories with R.Gafarli. He mentioned that R.Gafarli’s works are the most reliable bridge between the past and modern youth. R. Gafarli is a collector of folklore, its publisher, character, whole personality, educator, preserving its integrity.
Some scientists such as Professor Ismayil Kazimov, Rahib Sadullayev, Alvan Jafarov, Eyvaz Sheydayev and others also made reports about R.Gafarli’s activity.

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