
International Scientific Conference
“Ashug Alasgar: the magic of saz and the glory of the word”

On the 24th -25th of May the International Scientific Conference “Ashug Alasgar: the magic of saz and the glory of the word” was held by the organization of Institute of Folklore ANAS. The director of the Institute, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov opened the conference dedicated to the study of various aspects of Ashug Alasgar’s rich activity which was held online on Zoom platform. He drew attention to the urgency and importance of the conference organized within the framework of the order of the Head of state and mentioned that along with Azerbaijani scientists, specialists from Turkey, Ukraine and Russia took part in the event. Academician noted that, along with the poetry of Ashug Alasgar, one of the most powerful representatives of ashug art, gives a good material to the study of genesis and typology. In modern times, there are many issues to be studied in relation to individual representatives of ashug art, including Ashug Alasgar. Even today, the issue of oral art and author education remains a subject of debate in ashug art, which is considered the simplest picture of the issue. Academician M.Kazimoglu-Imanov noted at the end of his speech that Ashug Alasgar, who was connected with the tradition not only in terms of content, but also in terms of playing style, confirmed that he was a powerful master within the oral tradition, and at the same time, revealed his author individuality.

Then, vice-president of ANAS, director of the Institute of Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi, academician Isa Habibbeyli said that the decree of the President of the country on the 200th anniversary of Ashug Alasgar was an expression of great appreciation and support for folk literature, ashug art, national and moral values, literature as a whole and this order set important tasks on us. He highly appreciated the International Conference held by the Institute of Folklore as the first step towards the implementation of the order at the academy and mentioned that other institutions and organizations would also hold such events in the near future.
Professor of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS Fuzuli Bayat made a report on the theme “Ashug Alasgar’s school in the context of ashug art” at the plenary session of the conference. Professor F.Bayat noted that environment and school terms in folklore worked a lot, there were positive and negative sides to the study of these terms, mentioning that the issue of environment and school was more geospatial, territorial sense, some of the difficulties experienced.

Ali Kafkasyali, Professor of the University of Erzinjan Binali Yildirim in Turkey made a report on the theme “Dede Korkut Ozan Ashug identity in Dede Alasgar’s activity” and mentioned that the literary personalities or works of their existence in the that period, social life and ancestry should be taken into account. Not investigating the environment created by the master can’t be said anything about the master and his work.
Then the associate professor Tudora Arnaut from Ukraine - Kiyev Taras Shevchenko National University - made a report on the theme “Development of genres in Gagauz literature and Ashug Alasgar’s signs in the works of Gagauz poets”. Many of the epics are also found in Gagauz literature. It is also known in the oral literature of Gagauz the variants of epics such as “Arzu and Gambar”, “Ashug Garib”, “Tahir and Zahra”, “Koroglu” are found.
Then, Doctor of Philology Khatira Bashirli, who participated in the conference from the National Museum of Azerbaijan Literature named after Nizami Ganjavi of ANAS, made a report on the theme “Alasgar’s stage in ashug art”. She mentioned that the ashug literature, which completed the formation process in the 15th century, reached its peak in the 19th –20th centuries with Ashug Alasgar and spoke about the innovations in the epic works of the ashug poem.
Vusala Musali, Professor at Kastamonu University in Turkey, made a report on the theme “Prophet’s relatives in Ashug Alasgar’s activity” and analyzed poems by the ashug.
After the plenary session, the conference continued its work in four sections. 56 reports were listened on the topic at the two-day conference.

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