
The article by folklorists was published in the journal indexed in Scopus scientific database

Employees of the Institute of Folklore ANAS PhD Sarkhan Khavari, PhD Safa Garayev and PhD Hikmet Guliyev published the following article titled “Using the functional capabilities of virtual folklore in lifelong education and its psychological aspects” in the journal “Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education” indexed in Scopus scientific base. One of the new and actual directions of modern folklore-study the application of folklore (learning through folklore) written in the article theoretically-methodologically culturology, techno-culturology, psychoanalytic and social psychological approaches were used. In the article the prospects of the use of folklore in the rapid dissemination of information and communication technologies, effective training technologies in the conditions of extreme abundance of information were analyzed. In order to use the functional capabilities of virtual folklore in lifelong learning and to identify its psychological aspects, the transfer of knowledge and experience in traditional culture and educational technologies in modern education were compared, the prospects of applying the potential opportunities of folk pedagogy to lifelong learning were considered.
In the article it is noted that as folklore has a special role in formation of socio-psychological essence of personality, local social groups belonging to them have a condition parameter status in formation of character, outlook, values system, desires and desires of individuals. In this regard, the individuals free access to all spheres of society without experiencing psychological complex and tension and flexible, purposeful integration into various social groups constitute the need for deep learning of these local social groups. One of the goals of modern education is to guide the growing new generations to be free from non-humane local stereotypes and to adopt stereotypes that are in harmony with human values. In this context it is noted in the article that if modern educational technologies are used effectively by virtual folklore samples, it can greatly help people to avoid local psychological stereotypes without experiencing widespread cultural shock and acculturation stress in globular conditions.

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