
The report about the scientific-investigation and scientific-organization activity during 2017 year was listened at the Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore

On the 6th of December the next meeting of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore was held. The meeting was opened by the director of the Institute, academician of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov, he mentioned the report about the scientific-investigation and scientific-organization activity during 2017 year. The scientific secretary of the Institute, Ph.D. Elchin Abbasov mentioned the annual report to the members of the Scientific Council and told that the Institute of Folklore has carried out the following decrees and orders of the President of Azerbaijan Republic and Cabinet of Ministries:

The following organizations have been carried out with the acting “The State Program of the National Strategy about the development of the information society in Azerbaijan Republic during 2016-2020 years”:
1. The acting site www.folklor.az of the Institute of Folklore ANAS has been given the materials in both languages such as Azerbaijani and English.
2. (In the social net) the page of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, including different pages of the departments have been created in the site facebook.com.
3. The page “Folklor Institutu” has acted in https://www.youtube.com.
4. PDF format of the books and journals, conference materials published lately have been placed in the site of the Institute www.folklor.az
5. The film “Khojaly” prepared by the “Folklore studio” of the Institute of Folklore ANAS with the 25th jubilee of the Khojaly tragedy has been placed in the internet.
6. 9 books reflecting Garabag folklore sphere of Azerbaijan folklore (“Garabag: folklore is also a history” volumes 1-9) have been published virtually.

7. The interviews about the folklore and the spiritual culture of Azerbaijan nation by the director of the Institute, academician Mukhtar Imanov have been published in the newspapers and internet sites.
8. The performances of the collaborators of the Institute about the propaganda of Azerbaijan culture in some television programs such as “Muhazire”, “Ovgat”, “Klassik irsimizden”, etc. have also been published in the internet sites.
The Republican Scientific-Practical conference “Molla Panah Vagif and folklore” with the Order of President Ilham Aliyev “On holding the 300th anniversary of the great Azerbaijani poet Molla Panah Vagif” was held on the 21st of June in 2017. The conference materials have been published in the form of a book.

On the 29th of June the scientific session “Bulbul and folklore” was held with the combined organizational activities of ANAS Institute of Folklore and Huseyn Javid House Museum. The scientific session was held in accordance with the Presidential Decree “On Holding the 120th Anniversary of Bulbul” from May 11, 2017 the founder of the vocal school of Azerbaijan, the opera singer, who had a lyric-dramatic tenor voice, the outstanding singer, the People's Artist Bulbul’s 120th jubilee was celebrated.

About the scientific-investigational works it was mentioned that during 2017 at the Institute of Folklore in the direction of “The sources, formation, development objective laws and relations of Azerbaijan folk activity” on the base of 4 problems, 7 subjects, 44 scientific works were investigated. According to the plan twenty four of them will be completed this year. It was mentioned that the program “The multidisciplinary problems of the functional structure of Azerbaijan folklore” was being continued during 2017 at the Institute of Folklore ANAS. In the report it was shown that the relations of the Institute of Folklore with the high schools of our country had been improved. More than ten collaborators of the Institute had taught the subjects literature and folklore-study at the universities such as Sumgait State University, Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University, Eurasia University, University of Economics, etc.

The following books have been published in 2017:
1. Mukhtar Imanov. Genesis and poetics of the laugh in Azerbaijan folklore, Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
2. Kamran Aliyev. The problems of the modern folklore-study. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
3. Seyfeddin Ganiyev. Ashug Barat from Shirvan. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
4. Tajir Gurbanov. Khasta Zarnishan’s soul world. Baku, SkyG, 2017.
5. Naila Askar. Islam geography and games in Azerbaijan. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
6. Tovuz folklore samples. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
7. Folklore and written literature, Book 2. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
8. Fuzuli bayat. From shaman to samazan: the play and the player. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
9. Folklore and statehood thought. Book 2, Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
10. Matanat Abbasova. The genesis and poetics of Azerbaijan folk poem. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
11. Altay eposes and legends. Translator: Sakina Gaybaliyeva. Baku, Elm ve tehsil, 2017.
It was mentioned that the Institute of Folklore realized many meetings, including 1 conference, 1 session, 3 presentations, 1 holiday celebration, 1 memory meeting. According to the order April 14, 2017 of the National Council of Azerbaijan Republic the changes have been done in the structure of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Council. The director of the Institute of Folklore, the correspondent member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Mukhtar Imanov has been again elected for six years as the member of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Council. But according to the meeting April 18, 2017 of the Council Mukhtar Imanov has been elected the Chairman of the Public Television and Radio Broadcasting Council. On the 2nd of May in 2017 the director of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, the corresponding member of ANAS, Professor Mukhtar Kazimoglu Imanov was elected as the active member of ANAS, the chairman of the department “Folklore and written literature”, Doctor of Sciences, professor Kamran Aliyev was elected the corresponding member of ANAS.
Ph.D., associate professor, the chairman of the department “Folklore of limited nations” of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, writer and poet Nizami Muradoglu was also awarded for his scientific activity with the golden medal “The best patriotic investigator” by the Commission “Europe Publishing Press House”.
The report of the Institute of Folklore for 2017 year was estimated by the academician very highly.

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