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Academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov took part at the international symposium in Samarkand

On the 13th-14th of October in 2017 in Samarkand city of Uzbekistan Republic the International Scientific Symposium on the subject “The role of scientists from Samarkand in the development of Islam culture and education system” was held with the organization of TIKA, Culture Circle named after Haji Bektash Veli, Samarkand State University, Mughla Sitki Kochman University and World Eye Academy. In the symposium devoted to the formation of the 90th years of Samarkand State University, the formation of the 600th years of Ulug Bey Religious School the director of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov took part.
In the symposium many scientists from the foreign countries such as Germany, Azerbaijan, Russian, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Kirgizstan took part and the academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov reported the article called “Two different directions of the beliefs about the sophists”. In the article it is said about the explanation of the positive and the negative relations to the sophists in the folklore. Two points of the problem were also explained in the report.
The academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov has been the chairman of one of the sections of the symposium.

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