
The scientists of the Institute of Folklore took part at the international congress

On the 15-17th of September in Bolu city of Turkey the international congress called “Yesterday, today, tomorrow of investigations of “From Bolu to Turkic world “Koroglu” was held with the organization of Bolu Municipal Administration, Bolu Governorship, University of Abant Izzet Baysal and Ege University Turkic World Investigations. In the congress about 41 scientists from 13 countries took part.

Director of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov and the chairman of the department “Dede Gorgud”, doctor of sciences Ramazan Gafarli represented Azerbaijan in the congress. In the opening meeting Ph.D. Aziza Aktash Yasa, rector of the AIBU professor Mustafa Alisharli, head of the Bolu Municipal Administration Alaaddin Yilmaz and head of the Bolu Governorship Aydin Barush reported.

After the opening meeting the congress continued its work in 11 sections. In the section “Investigations about “Koroglu” in Azerbaijan and Iran” the academician Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov reported the article called “Yesterday, today, future of the investigations about Koroglu in Azerbaijan”, mentioned about the shortcomings in the texts of the epos published in Azerbaijan during the Soviet period, the accommodation of the different parts of the folk epos to the Soviet ideology. The scientist also noted that in different countries where the epos “Koroglu” was published such interferences were added and the author offered to collect and to publish the variants of this epos spread from China to Bulgaria and Hungary. M.Kazimoglu-Imanov noted that forming the “Living Koroglu”s the new level can be begun in the world folklore-study. That is why at the end of that meeting the work staff representing all countries must be formed and this initiative must be realized during next two years.

Doctor of sciences Ramazan Gafarli reported the article “A short view to publication and investigation of the epos “Koroglu” in Azerbaijan”. In his article the scientist gave the short description of the publications of the epos “Koroglu” beginning from the Europe till Azerbaijan.

Academician Mukhtar Kazinoglu Imanov headed the section “Investigations about the epos “Koroglu” in Kazakhstan and Kirgizstan” (together with the professor Kanan Ziya Tash), but Ramazan Gafarli headed the section “Investigations about the epos “Koroglu” in Balkans” (together with professor Metin Ekiji). On the 16th of September the reports by Metin Ekici, Dursun Yildirim and Ramazan Gafarli were given in the program “Today’s summary” on Turkey Central TV. On the 22nd of September the information about the congress was also given in details in the morning program of Azerbaijan Public TV.

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