
The scientific session “Bulbul and folklore” was held

On the 29th of June the scientific session “Bulbul and folklore” was held with the combined organizational activities of ANAS Institute of Folklore and Huseyn Javid House Museum. Opening the event, the director of the Institute of Folklore, academician Mukhtar Imanov said that the scientific session was held in accordance with the Presidential Decree “On Holding the 120th Anniversary of Bulbul” from May 11, 2017 the founder of the vocal school of Azerbaijan, the opera singer, who had a lyric-dramatic tenor voice, the outstanding singer, the People's Artist Bulbul’s 120th jubilee was celebrated.

Academician M.Imanov told about the invaluable services of Bulbul in the development of Azerbaijani culture brought to the attention that the great master had invested a lot of work in the education of young performers.
It was said that speaking of the merits of Bulbul in the history of our music, it should be noted his work in the field of folklore. It is no coincidence that Bulbul was the first and best performer of the leading role in the opera "Koroglu" Uzeyir Hajibeyli. Keroglu is the apex of the images he created.

In conclusion of his speech, M.Imanov noted that the immortal memory of the skillful performer of Azerbaijani folk songs, tesnifs and vocal works of Byulbyul will always be highly honored by our people.
Academician Teymur Kerimli, Academic Secretary of the Department of Humanitarian Sciences, Director of the Institute of Manuscripts, noted that, the great master Bulbul had a rich creative path, and his multifaceted activity left an indelible mark on the history of Azerbaijan's musical culture. Bulbul consisted of exceptional services in preserving and bringing to the future generations of national musical masterpieces.

Director of the Huseyn Javid House Museum, Doctor of Philology Gulbeniz Babakhanli noted that the People's Artist Bulbul was an outstanding teacher who made an invaluable contribution to the development, research and propaganda of the national musical culture. She said that Ertugrul Javid was one of the talented students of Bulbul.

It was noted that Bulbul was the author of many fundamental works on the study of the traditions of the Azerbaijani national vocal school and the synthesis of these traditions with the European opera culture. On the initiative of the great master at the State Conservatory, a research office for folk music was created. At the scientific session, reports were delivered by Dr. Naile Rahimbeyli's “Bulbul and Musical Folklore” and Arzu Mamedkhanli's “Immortalized Voice”.
Then the event continued with the artistic part. In the artistic part were performed folk songs and classical works from the repertoire of Bulbul.

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