
The compact discs of the folklore ensemble “Irs” of the Institute of Folklore Institute ANAS have been presented

The compact discs of the folklore ensemble “Irs” of the Institute of Folklore Institute ANAS have been presented in the form of collection. The mugham, tasnif, ashug songs, folk and composer songs from the repertoire of the folklore ensemble “Irs” have been given in two compact discs presented by the Folklore Studio of the Institute. The compilers of the compact discs are the correspondent member of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov, Ph.D. Elchin Abbasov. The sound producer is Mahir Ibrahimov, the sound technicians are Ramin Abdullayev, Alsaftar Mammadov, the sound effects are Iffat Asgarov, the editors are Gasim Nagiyev, Tarana Abdullayeva. The folklore ensemble “Irs” was created by the folklore investigator, the musician Sidgi Mustafayev and the composer Rashid Nasiboglu in 1976. With the participation of the culture, art and science figures of the republic the works done by the ensemble was estimated very high and the state status was given to the ensemble in 1981. The folklore ensemble “Irs” has been acting from 2002 attached to Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences Institute of Folklore.
The People’s artist of Azerbaijan Republic Malakkhanim Ayyubova (from 1980 till 1985 she was a soloist of the folklore ensemble “Irs”), the Honored artists such as Abulfat Nazarli, Ashug Nemat Miskinli, Ashug Fazail Miskinli and others were the members of this ensemble. Now by the Honored artist of the Republic Nuriyya Huseynova leads the ensemble in which some well-known artisans such as Shabnam Tapdig, Solmaz Kosayeva, Ashur Adigozalov, Novruz Novruzlu, Halimat Mammadova and others take part.

The folklore ensemble “Irs” has gained a lot of successes in the directions of introducing and propaganda of the music folklore and in general, our music culture in the world, it has also won the medals and honorary diplomas from the international festivals celebrated in many countries such as Italy, Sweden, Russia, Ukraine, Australia, France, Turkey, Iran and others.
The main aim in the activity of the ensemble is to collect, to reconstruct and to deliver the ancient folk songs, folk music samples, ashug folklore examples, folk games and square performances to the future generations. Including developing the Azerbaijan music folklore practically, the ensemble also tries to reconstruct the ancient, the forgotten folk musical instruments. During its long-term acting period the ensemble has reconstructed some valuable examples of Azerbaijan folk music such as “Almani alma, gelin”, “Eylen, gelin”, “Ruhani”, “Azafli dubeytisi”, from the mughams “Nava”, from the square performances “Kosa-Kosa”, “Toyug aparan”, “Garavelli”, etc.
Let’s inform that, at the meeting held on the 31st of March at the Scientific Council of the Institute of Folklore ANAS it was decided to change the name of the ensemble “Irs” as the folklore ensemble “Gorgud”.

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