
Employees of the Institute of Folklore ANAS have taken part in the meeting “Novruz”

On the 17th -18th of March ANAS Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory after Nasreddin Tusi, the Institute Literature after Nizami and Scientists' House held the 2nd “Physics and Lyrics” conference on “The Novruz calendar: in lyric and astrophysics”. On the first day the concert was arranged by the “Irs” ensemble of the Institute of Folklore and Shamakhi Folk Art .

The second day of the meeting was dedicated to the scientific speeches and discussions about Novruz holiday. Opening the event, ANAS Vice-President, Academician Isa Habibbeyli and the academician-secretary Nazim Mammadov had speeches, then the scientific lectures were listened to.

At the event, Academician-Secretary of the Department of the Humanities, Academician Teymur Kerimli delivered a paper on “Novruz calendar and classical literature”, Director of the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory after Nasireddin Tusi, corresponding member of ANAS Namig Jalilov on “Novruz and Astrophysical Science Festival”, Director of the Institute of Folklore , corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov – “Celestial bodies and scientific hypotheses in folklore”, head of the department of the Literature Institute after Nizami, Doctor of philology sciences, Professor Tahira Mammad – “Poetic image of natural changes associated with Novruz”. Scientific employee of the Literature Institute named after Nizami, Ph.D in Philology Leyli Aliyeva read the translation “Physics and Lyrics” poems by Russian poets as well as her poem. Research associate of the Institute of Philosophy Rauf Mammadov read his poems consonant with Novruz.

After the speeches, the director of the Nizami Institute of Literature, academician Isa Habibbeyli presented the winner of the contest with the best translation on the topic “Physics and lyrics” by Leyli Aliyeva, a memorable gift and a special prize.

Further, Head of the Office of Science and Education of ANAS Presidium Administration, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Aminaga Sadigov,

Director of the Scientists House, Ph.D in History Nurida Guliyeva, employee of the Institute of Botany, Ph.D. in Biology, writer Sadig Garayev shared their opinions and opinions on the topic.

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