The book “Sharur folklore samples” has been published
The collectors of the book “Sharur folklore samples” (Book 1) are the director of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, the correspondent member of the ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu (Imanov) and Ph.D., associate professor Fidan Gasimova, Gulnura Janmammadova, Farida Karimova, compilers are the correspondent member of the ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu (Imanov) and Ph.D., associate professor Fidan Gasimova, the editor is Ph.D., associate professor Ilkin Rustamzade.
The correspondent member of the ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu (Imanov) writes in the “Introduction”: “Of course, Nakhchivan folklore is the main part of the Azerbaijan, common Turkic, including the world folklore. It must be noted that the folklore created in Nakhchivan during many years has own peculiarities differing from other folklore of different regions. Now acting many kinds of the dance “yalli” in Nakhchivan, especially in Sharur, giving the national color to the wedding ceremonies by “hakhista” and “gulumey”, the performance of the game “Khan bezeme” as the main part of the Novruz holiday show that the music, dance, performance and mastery based on the unit of the word are characteristic for this region. If we investigate Nakhchivan folklore according to the word text, no doubt, we shall be witness of the genres such as myth, legend, story, tale and jokes as being the main part in the folklore. How can we definite it? One can definite it according to the efficient of the genres, the perfectness of the content and form, originality of the character, motif and plot”.
In the “Introduction” it is mentioned that there is suitable condition for collecting the folklore examples and ethnographic materials in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The important events and the official documents play the important role in formation of this condition.
In the writing called “Sharur is the home of folklore and culture” about folklore collecting Ph.D., associate professor Fidan Gasimova writes: “The folklore examples collected from the region Sharur forms the clear thought about
the rich folklore of the region. Investigating and studying these examples are very important”.
In the book there are parts called “The mythological texts, legend and rumors”, “About the prophets and religious leaders”, “About the holy places”, “About the historical personalities”, “Different legends”, “Beliefs”, “Ethnographic texts”, “Tales”, “Jokes”, “Epos”, “Children games”, “About the dance “Sharur yallisi”, “Proverbs”, “Riddles”, “Quatrains”, “Gulumey”, “Hakhista”, “Lullabies”, “Songs”, “Different poems”, “Ashug Billabali Shirali”, “Information about tellers”, etc.