
20 January martyrs have been remembered at the Institute of Folklore

On the 19th of January the memorial meeting dedicated to 20 January martyrs was held in ANAS Institute of Folklore. The dear memory of martyrs was called with a silence. Opening the meeting with his speech the director of the Institute, the correspondent member of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov said that to celebrate such kinds of days was to return to the history, to think over and over, to study the lesson of the history. “Though we were not the martyrs of those days, but we are the witnesses. I remember that night very well. Being the witness the human can't estimate the events. The years passed, later we understand that those events were not chance phenomenon”. In his speech the scientist told about M.Gorbachov's wrong policy, the discord among the nations and other problems. Then he added that in those years Azerbaijan nation suffered very much: “One of the pretexts of 20 January tragedy was the range of nation movement in Azerbaijan. And Gorbachov used that range. As if there was a very great army armed to the teeth. But the tragedy done to our nation didn't scare us. During those tragically days our nation was really solidary. 20 January tragedy showed the culture of struggle, grief, stress and joint of our nation”.

Then the chief of the department “Foreign relations” Ali Shamil told about the problems of collecting and publishing the folklore examples about the tragedy 20th January. The chief of the department “Modern folklore” Doctor of Sciences on Philology Fuzuli Bayat also told about the conception “martyr” in the religion, literature and folklore, and about the necessity of carrying out the scientific-investigational work on this theme.
Doctor of Sciences on Philology, the poet Islam Sadig and Ph.D., the poet Nizami Muradoglu spoke about the events done at that night and recited the poems about the tragedy written by them. Ph.D. Oruj Aliyev, Ph.D. Rza Khalilov, Ph.D. Giymat Maharramli also reported in the meeting.
At the end the correspondent member of ANAS M.Kazimoglu-Imanov ended the meeting.

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