
The first Constituent Assembly of New Azerbaijan Party was held at the Institute of Folklore

    On the 24th of February the first Constituent Assembly of New Azerbaijan Party was held at the Institute of Folklore. At the assembly the members of New Azerbaijan Party of Folklore Institute took part.

    The assembly was opened with the words by the director of the Institute of Folklore ANAS, the correspondent member of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov, he mentioned that as he was a member of the Broadcasting Council of the Public Television he couldn’t be the member of any party. He wished the lucks to the members of the assembly.

    Then the leader of the Yasamal region organization of NAP Tagi Ahmedov told in details about the famous national leader, the former of the NAP Haydar Aliyev, about the party program and rules. He also told about the progress and the development of our country and the important role of NAP in it.
The leader of the Women Council of Yasamal region organization of NAP, Ph.D. Khadija Isgandarli told about the members of NAP at the Institute of Folklore. She mentioned that there were 20 members of NAP at the Institute of Folklore ANAS till nowadays and now about 40 men join NAP.

    At the meeting the order about the formation of the administrative personnel of the first organization of NAP at the Institute of Folklore was accepted.
Ph.D. Oruj Aliyev, Ph.D. Aziz Alakbarli, Ph.D. Nizami Muradoglu, Ph.D. Galib Sayilov, Ph.D. Aynur Babak, Ph.D. Nubar Hakimova, Raya Jafarova were chosen as the members of the administrative personnel.

    Ph.D. Nubar Hakimova was appointed the leader of the first organization of NAP at the Institute of Folklore and Ph.D. Aziz Alakbarli was appointed as the deputy of the leader.

    The deputy of the leader of the Yasamal region organization of NAP Garib Mammadov also took part at the assembly.

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