
The seminar dedicated to the “Youth Day”

    On the 2 nd of February in 2016 the scientific seminar dedicated to the “Youth Day” was hold at the Institute of Folklore ANAS . The secretary of the “Young Scientist and Specialists Council” of the Institute of Folklore Ph.D. Nail Gurbanov told about the history of the “Youth Day” in Azerbaijan . Nail Gurbanov mentioned that to celebrate the “Youth Day” on the 2 nd of February in Azerbaijan is connected with the name of our common leader Heydar Aliyev. In the June, 1993 when our common national leader returned to the government with the urgent request of the nation called the Azerbaijan youth to do the importance works for the fate of the country. In 1994 in order to support the development of youth the common national leader Heydar Aliyev signed a decree on the establishment of the Ministry of Youth and Sports. On February 2, 1996 the president of Azerbaijan Republic Heydar Aliyev signed a decree on holding the 1 st Forum of Youth. The great leader who participated personally at the forum showed the main aims of the youth in his speech very clearly. He mentioned that to secure the country territorial integrity was one of the major challenges of Azerbaijan youth: “Every young person should be ready to mobilize and to consider serving in the army honorably”. On February 1, 1997, Heydar Aliyev received the participants of the forum and stressing the importance of the forum held on the 2 nd of February declared as “Azerbaijan Youth Day”.

    It was an example of the care and attention to the youth by the national leader Heydar Aliyev. Nail Gurbanov also specially mentioned that for the first time the Youth Day had been celebrated in Azerbaijan among the CIS and Eastern Europe countries. Later Youth Day was celebrated in other CIS countries and Eastern European countries and it is being celebrated today. But in 1999 in the world with the UN resolution the 12 th August was announced as the Youth Day.

    In the scientific seminar the leading scientific worker of the department “Dede Gorgud” of the Institute of Folklore, Ph.D. Laman Suleymanova talking about the thesis “Heydar Aliyev is the founder of youth policy” mentioned that the national leader never refused the younger generation his care, he provided the active participation of youth in social-political life, their social needs, their high education, to protect their rights, in general their comprehensive development. The 70-80-ies of the last century thanks to the care and attention of the national leader Heydar Aliyev thousands of young people were sent to study in different specialties in leading universities of the former Soviet Union. The attention and care to the younger generation had become one of the most important activity directions, formation of the Azerbaijani youth had been identified as one of the main objectives of the organization. From June 1993 the national leader of our country called Azerbaijan youth to do the important works for the fate of the native land. Just from 1993 the state began to carry out the works in the direction of youth policy. The state youth policy was created to ensure the rightful place of young peoples in the society and it was carried out very successfully.

    The chief of the department “Folklore of limited nations” Elnara Amirli talked on the subject “The care to the youth in Azerbaijan ” in which she mentioned about the programs and the plans prepared due to the development of the youth during the last 20 years in Azerbaijan . She also noted that the President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev did a plenty of jobs in order to turn the youth into the leading force and to ensure their socio-economic problems. To create the conditions for the participation of youth in nation building, to assistance the young families, to protect the rights of children and young people from the refugee and migrants families, the solution of social problems, military patriotic education of young people contain the maintains of his activity.

    The young scientist of the institute Gulnar Osmanova talking on the subject “ Azerbaijan youth during 2011-2015 years” mentioned that a lot of works were done in order to provide the sustainable development of the youth during the presentation of the state program.

    At the end of the seminar t he secretary of the “Young Scientist and Specialists Council” of the Institute of Folklore Ph.D. Nail Gurbanov told that the existence of the action programs, decree, the projects about the state youth policy affirmed the great importance in Azerbaijan Republic. Just as a result of the policy determined by our national leader and continuing by the President Ilham Aliyev our young people will take their rightful place in the society at any time.

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