
The book “The 20 th century Gazakh ashug sphere” was presented

    On the 26 th of January the book “The 20 th century Gazakh ashug sphere” by Ph.D. Ilhama Gasabova was presented in Azerbaijan Ataturk Centre. The announcer of the meeting Doctor of Sciences on philology Rustam Kamal said that it was necessary to investigate the national poem genres, especially ashug art, including the Gazakh literary sphere which has its own national-cultural system. The book about the investigation of Gazakh ashug sphere by Ph.D. Ilhame Gasabova deserves the applause as the first initiative in this sphere.

    After his speech R.Kamal asked the correspondent member of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov who helped the investigator to defend the thesis about the same topic to speak about the book.

    Speaking about the scientific qualities of the book very much and in details Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov noted that the author investigated the strict problems about ashug art, she not only investigated Gazakh ashug sphere, but also the art relations with the other regions. “The different regional peculiarities of ashug sphere have been shown in the book. Sometimes the ashug art is considered not the oral, but the written literature event. Such problems have been discovered in Ilhame Gasabova's book. Of course, it is remarkable to investigate the activity of Turkish languaged Georgian ashugs according to the investigations by Professor Valeh Hajilar in the book. The hard work about the relations of “master- apprentice” done by the author is very important and I wish new activity lucks to her in this sphere”.

    The ethnographer, Doctor of Sciences on history Gullu Yologlu in her speech told that I.Gasimova's work was very remarkable: “It is heroic to investigate and to collect the activity heritage of the masters-ashugs who are not in the real life. It means to be busy with the ashug art and to deliver this heritage to the next generation is a very honorable mission. I thank to her for such work.”

    PhD Salatin Ahmedli also spoke about I.Gasimova's book. Congratulating the author she wished her to continue the investigation in that direction.

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