
Published book about corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov

    Book about director of the   Institute of Folklore , corresponding member of ANAS   Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov , was published by “Elm ve tehsil” publishing-house. The book dubbed “Way and word” deals with scientist's lifetime, scientific creativity, especially his studies on public laugh, dual imaging in folklore, psychologism including relations of oral and written literature.

    Scientific Secretary of the Presidium of ANAS, PhD in philology Sarkhan Khaveri in the preface to the book writes: “Mukhtar Kazimoglu (Imanov) - a prominent representative of modern philology and folklore science in Azerbaijan, known intellectuals of the scientific community of the country, the only member of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences in Folklore study, as director of the Institute of Folklore of ANAS, and the flagship of the scientist-folklorist team. In addition, he is engaged in rich social activities”.

    The book consists of two sections. The first section, entitled "Judgments, disputes" reflects the thoughts of Academician Bakir Nabiyev, and thought of Vice President of ANAS, Academician   Isa Habibbayli   on the topic of his doctoral thesis “Genesis and the poetics of laughter in Azerbaijan folklore”.

    The book also put forward interesting conclusions by corresponding member of ANAS Azad Nabiyev, Professors Gazanfar Pashayev, Pasha Afendiyev, Yavuz Akhundlu, Ramazan Gafarli, Kamran Aliyev and Valeh Hajilar.

    The second section is called “Portrait features”. Friends and close acquaintances of M.Kazimoglu shared their thoughts in such articles as “Those years were not lost” (Adil Jamil), “Parallel chronology” (Kamran Aliyev), “The man who slices from delusions of grandeur” (Afzaladdin Asgar), “The way of academic literary criticism” (Badirkhan Ahmadov), “Personality of innovator and enlightener's wisdom” (Mahmud Allahmanli), “In the light of faith” (Ali Rza Khalafli), “Mukhtar Kazimoglu: the integrity of the image” (Rustam Kamal), “The impression that is worth sharing” (Atash Ahmadli), “Beauty of simplicity” (Tahir Orujov), “The man living his name” (Atif Islamzade).

    Under the heading "Unforgettable moments of life in the photographs" features photos related to the scientific activities of M.Kazimoglu.

    The compiler of the book is PhD in philology Sabina Isayeva, the editor is Aynura Safarova.

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