
Our workers’ books

“Azerbaijan folklorists (1920-1950)”

   The book “Azerbaijan folklorists (1920-1950)” (Baku, Elm, 2015, 456 pages) by doctor of Sciences, Professor Jalal Gasimov has been published.

   In the investigation the scientific sphere of 1920-1950 years, especially Azerbaijan folklorists’ heroism shown in the repressive and totalitarian regime conditions has been studied on the base of facts and documents. In the book the archive materials about different folklorists, the history of Azerbaijan folklore-study science and its some problems discovered for the first time attain the great importance to investigate.
   The book is for specialists working in this branch and the great mass of the readers.

The scientific editor of the book is the director of ANAS Institute of Folklore, the correspondent member of ANAS Mukhtar Kazimoglu-Imanov, the reviewers are doctor of Sciences on Philology, Professor Kamran Aliyev and doctor of Sciences on Philology Seyfaddin Rzasoy.


“The Shaman-hero archetype in Azerbaijan folklore”

   “The book “The Shaman-hero archetype in Azerbaijan folklore” (“Asli-Karam” and “Dede Gorgud”) (Baku, Elm ve Tehsil, 2015, 341 pages) by doctor of Sciences on Philology Seyfaddin Rzasoy has been published. In the book Shaman/hero archetype being the main structure models of Azerbaijan/Oghuz/Turk ethno cosmic thinking was restored on the second part of the epos “Asli-Karam” and “The Book of Dede Gorgud”. The analysis was carried the text information out without exception, the ritual-mythological information given by the text gave the chance to reconstruct archetype, formula and schemes of the cosmological thinking. The restoration of Shaman/hero invariants on the base of the paradigms Gazan/Uruz/Karam and the theoretical-methodological practice getting in this investigation gives chances to open the new opportunities for the restoration of Oghuz-Turk mythology on the base of Azerbaijan folklore substance. The expert-reviewer of the book is Professor Ramazan Gafarli, the scientific editors are PhD. Hikmat Guliyev and PhD. Safa Garayev, the reviewers are PhD. Shakir Albaliyev and PhD. Emin Agayev.

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