
The 1 st Scientific Conference on the theme “Folklore and State system” was hold

    On the 7 th of December in 2015 the 1 st Scientific Conference on the theme “Folklore and State system” was hold with the organizational activities by ANAS the Institute of Folklore in the main building of ANAS. The conference was held in the project “The genesis according to the folklore of state symbol, etiquette, ceremony and holidays in Turkic nations”.

    The meeting was opened by the vise-president of ANAS, academician Isa Habibbayli. First of all the memory of the people losing their lives in the strong fire and catastrophe in the “Guneshli” oil field was remembered with a minute silence.

    Academician Isa Habibbayli mentioned the aim of the conference is the discussion of the investigation problems on the base of folklore materials as the total behavior formula of the ceremonies and holidays of the ethnos of the model of the self-formation. He also added that our common-national leader Haydar Aliyev always paid great attention to the science, protection and development of our national-spiritual values, his ideas were being realized with great successes by the President Ilham Aliyev. Mentioning about the great importance of the conference the academician Isa Habibbayli said that there were enough opportunities connected with the state system factor in our folklore: “In order to understand the scientific- philosophical meaning, essence of the independent state system the conference is very important. For the first time we'll see the scientific manifestations of the systematical approach to this problem. I appreciate this great advance in the direction of our folklore and state system done by ANAS the Institute of Folklore , I wish to be confidence and successful in this project and continue it with great successes”.

    In the conference the chairman of Ataturk Centre in Azerbaijan, the corresponding member of ANAS Nizami Jafarov said that the state system had always been welded from the popularity courage, folklore: “If we look through the levels of Sak, Hun, Guyturks, Gipchag, Oghuz and etc. we can see that there is always the epos thinking culture in the level of the state leader”. He also estimated the works done by the Institute of Folklore recently highly: “The present scale shows that we have enough, modern, mighty intellect investigators knowing the analysis technology. The collecting work is also carried out systematically at the Institute of Folklore ”.

    The director of the Institute of Folklore , the corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov in his speech said: “The state is definited with four terms: nation, native land, government and army. Its explanation is known by different specialists. According to the folklore, folklore-study the presentation of these ideas is specific. The idea of the nation is connected with the ancestor, father-grandfather, family, the fire cult. If we look through the epos “Dede Gorgud”, the first meaning of the “Oghuz eli” (“Oghuz nation”) expression is state, just the second meaning of it is folklore. This unit is represented by either the family or the different heroes. This unit is the oath place of the heroes. The past representing with the names of the ancient ancestors is also a belief place for the living people. When the grave of any ancestor is troubled by the enemies the war appears. It means that the idea of unity is not a simple idea, it is a holy unit according to the state system, ethnos. The Oghuz land is definited by the holy lands. The heroes of Oghuz take an oath both the sky and the land. This land is connected with the holy mountains, the holy water-springs, the holy trees. The belief to the same holy creatures stand the behind these cheers. Completely, these creatures definite the Native land calling Oghuz land. The Turks have believed that the soul (the divine strength) has come to the selected man by God from the Sky. This divine strength has become the main factor of his becoming ruler. In the sources it is shown that when the man was elected as a king he was sat on the felt and was lifted up, it means they signed his connection to the Sky. It has the same thing in common with one of the main ceremonies of Shamanism. It shows that the ancient Turks connected the God with the king. But the difference is that Turks haven't connected Allah with the king”.

    Then Mukhtar Imanov wished the success to the conference and announced his assurance about the continuation of the investigations in that sphere.

    Later the conference continued with other specialists such as Doctor of Sciences on Philology Fuzili Bayat with the article “Turkic state system tradition and administrative rituals”, Doctor of Sciences on Philology Seyfeddin Rzasoy with the article “The cult of ancestor and the ancestor holiday in Turks”, Doctor of Philosophy on Philology Afzaladdin Asger with the article “Flags in the tradition of Turkic state system and the ceremony of flag sacrifice”, Doctor of Philosophy on Philology Sarkhan Khavari with the article “Folklore and state system in Azerbaijan national culture system” and Doctor of Philosophy on Philology Agaverdi Khalilov with the article “The ceremonial folklore and state system of Turkic nations”.

    At the end the director of the Institute of Folklore , the corresponding member of ANAS Mukhtar Imanov summed the conference up and thanked the lecturers and the members.

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